Ann Arbor Little League Summary, 1961-1964, 9-12 Year Old Baseball

On March 8, 2016, I embarked on a history project for the Ann Arbor Class of 1970 to record the beginning of competitive sports for most classmates; this began when we were 8 or 9 years old in late June of 1961 following 2nd grade.

The Angels, Braves, Cardinals, Cubs, Giants, Mets, Orioles, Phillies, Pirates, Reds formed a 10 team Tuesday "Niners" division with games held at Ann Arbor High School at 5:45 p.m in late June and July, 1961. These events were sponsored by the Noon Optimist Club, and their was no pitching as everyone hit off a "T (tee)." The Optimists must have produced for the "cool" colored shirts we wore. The Athletics, Colts, Dodgers, Indians, Red Sox, Senators, Tigers, Twins, White Sox, and Yankees also formered a "Niners" Division that played games on Fridays at Ann Arbor High School and North Tappan fields. The White Sox won their divison after 7 games behind Octy Owens. The Phillies won all 7 games The Senators scored 59 runs in one game defeating the winless Indians, 59-11.

Athletics (Pattengill) Orioles (Burns Park) Angels Pirates (Allen) Cubs Cardinals Phillies Braves (Angell) Yankees Twins Tigers Red Sox White Sox Senators Cardinals Colts Dodgers Indians Rams Lions Reds Mets Giants
Taylor, Dave Parks, A. Baker, Steve Harju, Wally Royce, Steve Schneider, John Hansen, Jeff Campbell, Andy Socha, Bill Lowe, Bill Johnson, Don Lindimore, Steve Owens, Octy Horn, Steve Burkhart, Steve Williams, Jay Rigan, Craig Colatruglio, Vince Miller, Steve
Willits, Gary Brooks, Martin Zeilman, Doug Smith, Jim Murphy, Bill Kendall, Rick Weber, Don Kzarinoff, Niki Defoe, John Steinke, Jim Mann, Bob Kainlauri, Bill Shaw, Ron Calcut, Ken Davis, Randy Bowers, Mike
Doman, Brad Lemble, Chris Romo, Ray Hanselman, Jim Weid, Rusty Roth, Tom Smith, Steve Miller, Glen Clement, Craig Wiarda, Dick Bauer, Robby Balzhiser, Gary
Adams, Don Pepper, Steve Baker, Steve Roth, Tom Hoppe, Doug Haarer, Doug Goetz, Greg Hunt, Jeff
Olsen, David Schultz, Mark Osborne, Mark
Hueter, Carl Gardner, Ron
Smith, Jim Defors, Doug

Klinger, Steve

Lapointe, Jim

Abentrod, Keith

Hollway, Mike

Jacobson, John
Packard Barber Shop Arborland Schneider's Washtenaw Milk Depot I & N Decorators Fox Gulf Service Ann Arbor Federal WOIA Radio Loy's Restaurants Mundus & Mundus Don Butcher Building McDonald's Ice Cream Ann Arbor Bank Neilsen's Flowers Dale Realtors Wanty's Shoes Michigan Glass Frontier Beef Buffet Bolgos Farms Gas Co. Barnes Ace Hardware SE Kiwanis KMM Architects
Taylor, Dave Argersinger, Chuck Daher, Joe Harju, Wally Bauer, Robby Duncan, Jim Van Gasse, Randy Kzarinoff, Niki Bower, Mark Defore, John Kramer, Clay Baker, Alvin Housewright, Steve Goetz, Greg Roos, Mark Weber, Mark Osborne, Mark Glas, Dave Fouty, Don Trigg, Gino Zielman, Doug Dean, Glen Hoeft, Ken
Willits, Gary Ford, Tom Weid, Rusty Kesslering, Nick Calcut, Ken Synowksi, Mark Hansen, Geoffrey Campbell, Andy Nasjleti, Lou Davis, Randy Burns, Jim Brooks, Larry O'Neill, Bill Moore, Dave Lemble, Chris Hurst, Gary Pfaus, Tom Burns, Jim Cummings, Jerry Robinson, Steve Baker, Steve Pratt, Gary Mull, Nick
Portman, Cliff Deford, Pete Roth, Tom Schwind, Tom Defors, Doug Gregory, Eugene Childs, Charlie Rigan, Craig Standbridge, Bill Schonk, Mike Butler, Mike Hough, Carl Burkhart, Steve Williams, Jay Love, Bill Jones, Eric Mial, Harry Balyeat, Greg Bell, Rick Iott, Mark Hagopian, Gary
Collier, David Cohen, Al Huber, Dave Foor, Terry Ulrey, Ken Grimston, Dick Chisolm, Gary Hoksberger, Stan Johnson, Don Atwood, Rick Holleran, Pat Horn, Steve Lum, George Meagher, Pete Hoeft, Ken Steinaway, Gary Hegwood, Dale Ransom, Don Mayze, Francis Owens, Octy
Luker, Calvin Brooks, Martin Kendall, Rick Hoppe, Doug Reidy, John Balzhiser, Gary Mann, Bob Frank, Paul Wiarda, Dick Goetz, Greg Owens, Octy Wenzel, Rick Fiege, Rick Ramey, Larry
Smith, Mickey Banghart, Steve White, Russ Snyder, Darc Tasker, Jay Shipley, Pete Defoe, John Gochis, Pete Grambeau, Greg
Foelber, Richard Brudon, Dave Hieber, Dave Copeland, Marvin Pydyn, Tony Fisher, Gary
Rial, John Klein, Mark Robinson, Steve Gray, Bob
Pott, Tim Mieras, Bill Miller, Glen

Carey, Tom

Pott, Tim

Scott, Ron

Webber, Glyn

Newbury, Gus

Iverson, Bob

The groups continued the next year in the Summer of 1962 for the 10 year old League, the games continued to be played at Ann Arbor High School, but also at Buhr, Burns East, Community, East and West Slauson, Lakewood, South Tappan, and West Park with some new teams including the Lions and Rams with 22 teams competing in two divisions, American and National. Most teams played 15 games. The Pirates won the National Divison with a 12-3 record, but were updended by the winless Rams on the final day of the seaon, 5-3, in the biggest upset of the season. The Dodgers bested the Colts on the final day of the season, 5-1, to end their divison with identical 13-2 records. Don Johnson of the Tigers threw a "no-hitter" against the Reds, and Andy Campbell of the Braves threw a "no-no" against the Lions in a 3 inning rain shortened game. The White Sox Alan Cafruny and Ken Hoeft combined for a no-hitter, but the team allowed 4 runs in defeating the Reds, 5-4. Randy Davis and Craig Rigan combined on a no-hitter against the Athletics. Rigan also combined with Mark Osborne to throw a no-hiter against the Indians. Ken Calcut of the Colts pitched a no-hitter, and recoreded 14 strikeouts against the Indians, 5-1. The Indians finally ended their winless streak with a 41-2 thumping of the Lions who finished 0-14.

Out of the earlier leagues, the 11 year old teams had sponsors and there were 23 teams competing in three divisions; these included Ann Arbor Bank, Ann Arbor Federal, Arborland, Barnes Ace Hardware, Bolgos Farms, Don Butcher Builders, Dale Realtors, Fox Gulf Service, Frontier Beef Buffet, I & N Decorators, KMM Architects, Loy's Restaurants, McDonald's Ice Cream, Michigan Glass, Mundus & Mundus Insurance, Neilsen's Flowers, Schneider's Service, Southeastern Kiwanis, Wanty's Shoes, Washtenaw Dairy, and WOIA Radio who played at Buhr, Burns Park (East), Lakewood, West Riverside, Slauson (East and West), West Park (Little West), and Wines. Some teams completed as many as 14 games, but because of rain-outs, there were many who completed just 11. Packard Barber Shop won their division with a 10-2 record. Neilsen's Flowers completed a 9-5 record to win their division. Schneider's Service and Ann Arbor Federal tied with 12-2 records as their playoff game was called off. Geoffrey Hensen pitched Ann Arbor Federal to a no-hit win over Arborland, 7-0. Mark Bower of Loy's Restaurants no-hit Ann Arbor Bank, 7-0. Gino Trigg threw two no-hitters including a 5-0 gem with 10 strikouts against Fox Gulf. Don Fouty and Jerry Cummings combined on a no-hitter for Bolgos Farms win over Loy's Restaurants, 14-4. Nielsen's executed a triple play in the second inning, but it wasn't enough to defeat Michigan Glass who won 1-0. Chris Lemble pitched a no-hitter, and struck out 15 of 18 hitters for Dale Realtors as they defeated Arborland, 9-0; he later pitched a second no-hitter in a win over Fox Gulf, 6-0. Rick Bell pitched a no-hitter for Barnes Ace Harware in a 1-0 win over I & N Decorators. Ken Hoeft struck out 15 in a no-hitter for Michigan Glass in a 6-0 win over KMM Architects.

Team (11 Year old-1963) Record Team Record Team Record
Packard Barber Shop 9W-2L Schneider's Service 12W-2L Nielsen's Flowers 9W-5L
Frontier Beef Buffet 8W-3L Ann Arbor FederalĀ  12W-2L Mundus & Mundus 8W-5L
Don Butcher Builders 8W-4L McDonald's Ice Cream 9W-5L KMM Architects 8W-6L
Bolgos Farms 5W-6L Dale Realtors 7W-7L I & N Decorators 7W-7L
Loy's Restaurants 4W-7L Gas Company 5W-9L Washtenaw Milk Depot 7W-7L
Southeastern Kiwanis 3W-8L Wanty's Shoes 5W-9L Barnes Ace Hardware 6W-7L
Ann Arbor Bank 2W-9L Arborland 5W-9L Michigan Glass Co. 6W-8L
Fox Gulf Service 1W-13L WOIA Radio 4W-10L

In the 12 Year Old League, the games were played at Allmendinger (East), Burns Park, Frisinger, Lakewood. Riverside (East and West), West Park (Little West) and Vet's Park. Gary Balzhiser and Mark Osborne combined for a no-hitter for Mundus & Mundus in a 14-0 win over I & N Decorators. Michigan Glass executed a triple play inn a 6-2 win over Nielsen's Flowers.

Team (12Year old-1964) Record Team Record Team Record
Bolgos Farms 13W-1L Schneider's Service 12W-4L Mundus & Mundus 12W-4L
Don Butcher Builders 10W-3L McDonald's Ice Cream 12W-4L Michigan Glass Co. 11W-5L
Packard Barber Shop 9W-5L Arborland 9W-7L KMM Architects 10W-6L
Ann Arbor Bank 5W-8L Dale Realtors 8W-8L Barnes Ace Hardware 9W-7L
Frontier Beef Buffet 4W-9L Wanty's Shoes 8W-8L Washtenaw Milk Depot 8W-8L
Loy's Restaurants 3W-9L Ann Arbor Federal 7W-9L WOIA Radio 7W-9L
Southeastern Kiwanis 2W-11L Gas Company 6W-10L Nielsen's Flowers 5W-11L
Fox Gulf Service 2W-14L I&N Decorators 2W-14L