There are many types and forms of dependence; some are health while others are not. People are dependent upon other people in families, work and other areas of life. When is the balance of depedence unhealthy? When do people start making decisions and reinforcing those decisions that contribute to unhealthy relationships and coping techniques? Dependency is about power or the lack of power; healthy dependence has equitable power while unhealthy dependence contributes to feelings of helplessness and powerlessness. Some people become co-dependent; others begin addictions to cigarettes, alcohol and/or other drugs. Addictions are hard to break; it is better never to start an addictive habit rather than attempt to break the pattern. Relationships can be addicting too. When people are young, old or somewhere in between, they may be dependent on others for food, shelter, clothing, approval, etc. Relationships change and people change, not all these changes are positive. Self-esteem and self-worth are inherently better when one feels in control of their lives without unhealthy habits and/or relationships. Here are some websites to explore some of these issues:
Personality Traits in Abusive Relationships