10 year—1980
July, 1980-Saturday: Weber’s
15 Year—1985
July, 1985-Saturday: German Park-all day
20 Year—1990 (Dues $5)
August 10: Huron Golf Club $50 per person-Ypsilanti/Banfield’s East
August 11: Radison-Ypsilanti $30 per person
August 12: Gallup Park Picnic 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
25 Year—1995
July, 1995-Friday: Banfield’s East
July, 1995-Saturday: Cobblestone Farm
30 Year—2000 (Dues $10)
July 14: Banfield’s East/Golf Outing
July 15: Eagle Crest Mariott-Ypsilanti (formerly Radisson)
July 16: Hudson Mills Metro Park-Dexter
35 Year—2005
Friday: Banfield’s West/Golf Outing
Saturday: Cancelled-Washtenaw Community College $40 per person, not enough classmates prepaid by deadline (informal get together at Knight’s-20/30 people)
50th Birthday Party—2002
July 12: Creekside Bar & Grill
July 13: Bowling-Colonial Lanes
40 Year—2010 Attendees
July 30: Golf Outing-Polo Fields($65)/Banfield’s West 7:00 p.m.-???
July 31: Polo Field’s ($50) 6:30 p.m.-12:00 a.m.
August 1: Gallup Park 12-6 p.m.
60th Birthday Party—2012
August 17: Golf Outing-Polo Fields ($70 included lunch and 18 holes "best ball" with cart) and Banfield's West 6 p.m.-???
2013 Informal Social at The Side Track in Ypsilanti
45 Year—2015 July 24-26
Friday, July 24: Westside (Zeeb & Jackson Rd.)-6:00 p.m. until closing/Golf Outing-Eagle Crest Marriott-Ypsilanti-$55 includes cart and boxed lunch
Saturday, July 25: Michigan Suite at Colonial Lanes 7:30-10:30 p.m. $30 per person includes food and bowling on 3 private lanes
Sunday, July 26-Picnic at Southeast Area Park (Ellsworth & Platt) 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Food on your own Weekend Attendees
50th Reunion/70th Birthday--August 5-7, 2022 at the Eagle Crest Marriott-Ypsilanti
Social: Trivia Night, socializing, appetizers and drinks. This is a 7:00 p.m. start, and the price is $30 per person.
Daytime: Golf scramble 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The price is $60 per person for 18 holes of golf including cart.
Evening: Dinner/Dance 7-11 p.m. The price is $80 per person with appetizers, buffet, music, dancing, and cash bar.
Afternoon: Picnic at Island Park starting at 11 a.m.
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Classmates by Junior High School
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