Washtenaw County Historian Hall of Fame

Alphabetical List/Chronological by Birth Year

Washtenaw County Historian Hall of Fame Career Occupations Life Notes/Achievements
Abbot, Waldo Mack University of Michigan Broadcasting Professor, 1920-1957 1888-1964 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney-Washtenaw County/Christian Science Monitor/Hoover Ball & Bearing
Abbot, Willis John UofM Graduate, 1884/Chicago Times/New York Journal 1863-1934 Christian Science Monitor/Chicago Tribune
Abbott, Horatio Johnson Washtenaw County Register of Deeds, 1909-1912 1876-1936 n/a
Ackerman, Abraham Albert WDIV/WXYZ Sportscaster-25 years 1925-2016 n/a
Action, William Printer 1825-1909 n/a
Adams, Charles Kendall Professor, UofM, 1857-1885-History/Librarian 1835-1902 President of Cornell University/Wisconsin/UofM Grad 1861/Historical Sketch of the University of Michigan (1876)
Adams, George Matthew Adams Newspaper Service, 1907 1878-1962 Today's Talk, a favorite of Henry Ford/born at Saline
Adams, Randolph Greenfield Director, UofM Clements Library 1892-1951 n/a
Aiton, Arthur Scott University of Michigan History Professor, 1921-1959 1894-1955 n/a
Albom, Mitchell David Detroit Free Press/News-1985 1958- Sold over 40 million books/Tuesdays with Morrie/Five People You'll Meet in Heaven/Mitch Albom Show-WJR/WWJ
Allen, John Tecumseh Publisher-Western Emigrant/True Democrat/Postmaster/Coroner/Village President 1796-1851 Left Staunton, Virgina with over $28,000 of debts/Purchased land in Ann Arbour/Jackson/Marshall/Mason(Lawrence)/Lansing/Grand Haven/Hartford/Richmond/Attorney-1932
Allen, Mary Augusta Wood  Ann Arbor High School/UofM Graduate 1841-1908 Published 11 books on marriage, raising children, hygiene, health, self-improvement, etc.
Allison, Andrew Publisher/Editor, Chelsea Herald, 1871-1900 1827-1900 Cleveland Plain Dealer/Oswego Times/Detroit Free Press/Chicago Times
Allmendinger, Elizabeth Catherine "Libby" President, Juvenile Aid Society/Teacher 1837-1909 Flora list published in 1881 included 381 genera and 850 species/Botany instructor at the University of Michigan/Curator-UofM Herbarium
Allmendinger, Ernest John All-American Guard, Michigan Football, 1911-1913/Washtenaw County Road Commission, 1921-1954 1890-1973 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1945-46
Anderson, Leigh Charles UofM Chemistry Professor-51 years 1899-1983 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1978-1979
Anderson, William H. "Bill" Ann Arbor News Sports Reporter n/a n/a
Andrews, Samuel Chester Ann Arbor Publisher, Andrews&Witherby 1851-1914 n/a
Angell, Carleton Watson Professor, UofM 1887-1962 Sculptor, designed logo for Washtenaw County Historical Society/famous for Pumas in front of UofM Natural History Museum
Anschuetz, Janice J. & Robert Ypsilanti Historical Society-Several written articles 1943- n/a
Antracoli, Alexis Antionette Director, University of Michigan Bentley Library 1975- n/a
Arbour, Louis Thomas Linotype Operator-25 years, Ann Arbor News 1891-1966 n/a
Armstrong, William James Civil Engineer, Washtenaw County Road Commission 1892-1972 Atwell-Hicks/The Great Trail That Became The Chicago Road
Arnold, Orrin Baldwin Editor, Michigan Argus (1843) 1822-1883 Three Rivers Herald, 1874-1883
Askins, David Michael Wilson Publisher, Ann Arbor Chronicle 1964- n/a
Atwell, Harry Hurd University of Michigan Surveying Professor, 1905-1921/Washtenaw County Clerk 1877-1955 Michigan State Highway Commission/Atwell-Hicks (1950)
Austin, Patricia Kay Palmer n/a 1941- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1982-84, 1987-88, 1993-95
Avery, Lillian Drake Chelsea High School/UofM graduate 1856-1930 Oakland County Historian
Axtell, George Ford Editor, Chelsea Tribune 1877-1960 n/a
Ayres, Louis Evans Engineer  1886-1973 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1959-60
Azus, Lee Mark Ypsilanti Historian/Historical Preservationist 1957- Transformation of Black Ypsilanti
Babbitt, Florence Smalley Wife of Judge John Willard Babbitt 1847-1929 Antique Collection one of the largest in America with over 5,000 pieces, Michigan's First Antique Collector
Babst, Earl Daniel Michigan in the Cleveland Era/Editor, Michigan Farmer 1870-1967 CEO, American Sugar Refining Co./National Biscuit Co.(NABISCO)/UofM Grad, 1893
Bach, Anna Botsford President, Ann Arbor School Board/Ladies Library to Carnegie Library 1839-1915 1901 UofM graduate/Old Ladies Home-1915-2001
Bach, Doris Anna Teacher/Granddaughter of Philip Bach 1907-2001 Endowment Donor $600,000+
Bach, Ellen Botsford n/a 1877-1960 First Female President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1936-37
Bacon, John Underhill Ann Arbor Huron HS/UofM Grad+Instructor 1964- 15+ books
Bader, Nicholas Printer 1843- n/a
Bailey, John Newton Ann Arbor Argus, 1879-1894/Saginaw Telegram/Midland sun Newspapers 1839-1899 Auburn Argus, 1894-1899/Cayuga County Independent, 1874
Bak, Richard Gerard Detroit Hour Magazine 1954- Author of several books on Detroit History
Baker, Gwendolyn Calvert National Director, YM-YWCA 1931-2019 Hot Fudge Sundae in a White Paper Cup
Baker, Ray Stannard Michigan State grad/UofM Law School drop-out-1891/Pulitzer Prize-1939 1870-1946 14+ books published/Chicago News-Record/McClure's/The American Magazine
Baker, Russell Ray Associate Editor, Ann Arbor News 1890-1949 Bobby and the Old Professor
Bald, Frederick Clever University of Michigan History Professor, 1943-1966 1897-1970 Michigan Historical Collections/President, Michigan Historical Society/Michigan in Four Centuries among 9 published books, 1938-1955
Ballard, Arden Holton Co-Founder of Ypsilanti Sentinel in 1844/Ypsilanti Mayor 1799-1867 Donated home for Ypsilanti's first Library
Bangs, Sidney M. Printer, Inland Press 1871-1925 Harry Bennett's uncle
Barbour, Levi Lewis Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1840-1925 Barbour Gymnasium/Barbour Scholarship
Barkley, Frederick Lee Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission 1936- Chelsea  
Barnes, James Milton Ypsilanti Newspaperman 1894-1985 Blind
Barnett, Claribel Ruth Librarian, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1907-1940 1872-1951 UofM Grad, 1893
Barnum, Martha "Mattie" E.  Printer/Compositor, Ypsilanti Commerical 1849-1912 n/a
Barry, Sarah Cornelia Ann Arbor's First Librarian  1845-1876 1863 Union School graduate
Bartlett, Herbert Hall President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1962-63 1890-1983 Civil Engineer
Bartlett, Nancy Ruth Archivist, University of Michigan Bentley Library, 1985-2024 1956- n/a
Barton, John William Ann Arbor News, 1975-1999 1941-2010 n/a
Basom, Erastus W. n/a 1824-1910 History of Ypsilanti (1909)
Bassett, Harrison Ward n/a 1832-1916 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1896/1909
Batchelor, Edward Armistead Sport Writer, Detroit News/Free Press, 1906-1962 1883-1968 Providence Journal
Bates, Martha Elizabeth Cram Newspaper Reporter/Editor/Publisher-Grand Traverse Herald, 1876- 1839-1905 Graduate, Michigan State Normal School
Baur, Emil Gottlieb University of Michigan Professor/Leading Horticulturalist and Fruit Grower in Washtenaw County 1831-1894 German Christian Agriculture and Benevolent Society of Ora Labora-Bay Port, MI/15 children
Beakes, Samuel Willard Mayor/Congressman/Postmaster/Treasurer/Ann Arbor Argus Editor, 1886-1905 1861-1927 Past and Present of Washtenaw County (1906)
Beal, Junius Emery Editor, Ann Arbor Courier, 1882-1908 1860-1942 University of Michigan Regent, 1907-1939/President-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1923
Beal, Rice Aner Publisher-Ann Arbor Courier/Bookbinder 1823-1883 Lima Township-1833/Livingston County-1836/Lumber Business
Bebow, John C. Lansing State Journal/Traverse City Record-Eagle/Ann Arbor News 1968- Bridge Michigan
Beckett, John Franklin Ann Arbor News-18 years 1950-2009 Brighton Argus/WHMI
Beckmann, Frank Carl Michigan Football Broadcaster, 1981-2013 1949-2022 WJR, 1972-2021
Behee, John Richard n/a 1933- n/a
Bentley-Goenka, Brenda E.  Riverwalks Ann Arbor 1956- n/a
Bentley, Alvin Morell & Arvella D. $600,000 donation for Bentley Historical Collection (1971) 1918-1969 Regent, University of Michigan/U.S. Congressman, 1953-1961/Endowed Professorship at UofM
Berry, Margaret Laura Didier Teacher, Tappan Junior High School 1924-2004 A Quarter Century at Tappan Junior High School, 1925-1950
Betz, Esther Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library, 1927-1963 1893-1971 n/a
Bidlack, Russell Eugene UofM Bentley Library Archivist 1920-2003 The Story of Ann Arbor's Forty Niners/John Allen and the Founding of Ann Arbor
Bien, Laura Siebrig Bartlett Teacher, Temperance Bedford High School 1967- Hidden History of Ypsilanti (2011)
Bishop, David James Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1964-1999 1939-2015 n/a
Bishop, William Warner Librarian, University of Michigan, 1915-1941 1871-1955 n/a
Bishop, William Whitney WPAG, 1962-1969/WAAM, 1969-1978 Sports Director 1935-2021 n/a
Blackbird, Andrew Michigan State Normal School student/Detroit Treaty of 1850 1814-1908 History of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians in Michigan (1887) published by the Ypsilantian
Blaha, George Navin Detroit Pistons Broadcaster/MSU Football 1944- UofM MBA/Michigan Sports Hall of Fame
Blake, Rosemarion Alexander Chair, Ann Arbor Historical Commission 1923-2015 n/a
Blaske, Mary Steffek n/a 1953- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1981-82
Blayton, Zada Anne Ann Arbor News 1952- n/a
Blosser, Matthias D. Manchester Enterprise 1846-1941 n/a
Blouin, Francis Xavier UofM Bentley Library Archivist 1946- Bentley Library, 1981-2013
Blum, Philip Peter Deputy Washtenaw County Clerk 1821-1902 Lodi Postmaster
Bobrin, Janis Ann Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission 1951- n/a
Bohne, Jane Elizabeth Aldrich Lansing State Journal/WLNS/WILX/WLNS 1955- n/a
Boles, Frank Joseph Director of Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan 1951- UofM Grad
Bonisteel, Roscoe Osmond Helped to establish, Friends of the Michigan Historical Collections 1888-1972 Ann Arbor City Attorney-8 yrs./University of Michigan Board of Regents, 1946-1959/Grand Master-Grand Masonic Lodge of Michigan/President, Ann Arbor Rotary Club
Bonk, Wallace John University of Michigan Professor of Library Science, 1957-1979 1923-1979 Michigan's First Bookstore: A Study of Books Sold in the Detroit Book Store, 1817-1828/The Botanic Luminary, A Michigan Incunabulum (1961)
Boone, Richard Gause Principal, Michigan State Normal School, 1893-1899 1849-1923 Education in the United States (1899)/A History of Education in Indiana (1892)
Booth, George Gough Founder, Booth Newspapers-1893 1864-1949 n/a
Booth, Ralph Harmon Secretary, Chicago Journal, 1895-1904/Business Manager, Detroit Tribune, 1892-1904 1879-1951 President, Ann Arbor News/Vice-President, Associated Press/President, Detroit Institute of Arts/Detroit National Bank, 1888
Bordin, Ruth Birgitta Anderson Curator, Michigan Historical Collection/Eastern Michigan University Professor 1917-1994 Pictorial History of the University of Michigan (1966)
Boston, Orlan Engineering Professor, UofM, 1914-1956 1891-1991 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1965-67
Bower, Burroughs Franklin Editor, Ann Arbor Democrat/Ann Arbor Courier 1855-1912 Editor, Detroit Post/Cleveland World/Cincinnati Tribune
Bower, Emma Eliza Publisher, Ann Arbor Democrat (1896-1904)/The Lady Maccabee 1849-1937 Physician/Ann Arbor Board of Education-President/Treasurer/Great Record Keeper of the Ladies of the Maccabees/Sister of Henry and B. Frank Bower
Bower, Henry E.H. Publisher, Ann Arbor Democrat (1868) 1845-1888 Brother of Emma and B. Frank Bower
Bradfield, Marjorie Adele Blackistone Librarian, Detroit Public Library 1911-1999 n/a
Bradner, Curtis Custer WWJ News Broadcaster/City Editor, Flint Journal/Detroit Free Press 1878-1940 Afterthoughts/Parking Space
Bradshaw, James Standford "Stan" Ann Arbor News Reporter 1921-1990 Associated Press, 1949-1961/Professor-Central Michigan University, 1969-1983
Brady, Helen Elizabeth (Mann) Society Editor, Ann Arbor News 1919-2015 n/a
Brandstatter, James Patrick Michigan/Detroit Lions Broadcaster 1950- WILX/WDIV-Michigan Replay
Breakey, James Ritchison Washtenaw County Judge 1900-1969 Donated land for Ypsilanti High School (1973)
Breck, Samuel Lloyd Photographer 1928-2009 Collection of Trains, locamotives, and depots
Brennan, William Orval Detroit News Sports Reporter, Detroit Red Wings 1920-1992 President, Hockey Writers Association/Hockey Media Hall of Fame
Brown, Annie Louise (Ruth) Detroit News, 1917-1942 1869-1948 Pittsburgh Dispatch
Brown, Edwin E. Editor,  1868-1939 n/a
Brown, Everett Somerville Department Head-Political Science, University of Michigan, 1923-1955 1886-1964 8 books on constitutional history/politics, 1920-1960
Brown, Florence Eldred Dragoo Librarian, Ann Arbor High School 1906-1990 Married to Lloyd Arnold Brown
Brown, Fred C. Washtenaw Evening News (1890-1902) 1860-1946 Saloon Owner
Brown, Lloyd Arnold University of Michigan Clements Library 1907-1966 The Story of Maps (1949)
Brown, Robert Benaway University of Michigan Library 1916-1950 n/a
Brown, William Ellis Jr. Ann Arbor Mayor, 1945-57 1896-1970 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1958
Brownson, William Thomas "Bill" Editor, Washtenaw Post-Tribune 1909-1996 n/a
Brumfield, Paul D. Brumfield&Brumfield/Braun-Brumfield Printers 1891-1956 n/a
Brumm, John Lewis University of Michigan Journalism Professor/University Press Club-1919 1878-1958 Cass City Chronicle
Bryant, Sharon Louise Woodson Reporter, Ann Arbor News/Grand Rapids Press/Los Angeles Times 1947-2019 Journalism Instructor, Florida A&M
Bryson, Lyman Lloyd Producer, Radio/Television Programs on CBS in 1930s and 1940s 1888-1959 University of Michigan Journalism Professor, 1913-1917
Buell, Bertha Grinnell History Professor, Michigan State Normal School, 1899-1937 1874-1951 n/a
Buell, Jennie Michigan Press Association/Grange President 1863-1935 The Grange Master and the Grange Lecturer (1921)
Buetler, Frederick n/a 1926- n/a
Buhr, Joseph Frank President, Buhr Tool 1917-1999 Donated 39 acres for Buhr Park in 1952/Buhr Foundation
Burch, Charles S. Editor, Grand Rapids Press/UofM Grad&Baseball Team-1875 1855-1920 Bishop of Episcopalian Church
Burch, Lawrence Deming Founding Editor, My Camp Journal during Civil War 1831-1912 Ann Arbor Wood Dealer/Grocer/Married Emily Adelia Dunning at Pinckney in 1855/Friend of Abraham Lincoln
Burkhart, Benjamin Joseph Burkhart Typesetting 1914-2009 n/a
Burkhart, Orrin Charles President, Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co. 1855-1929 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1901/1922
Burleigh, John L. Editor, Ann Arbor Democrat 1847-1909 n/a
Burlingame, Edwin Adolphys Ann Arbor News Advertiser/UofM Law Grad/Kent County Prosecuting Attorney 1832-1909 Michigan Supreme Court Judge
Burns, George Plumer University of Michigan Botany Professor, 1900-1910/Vermont, 1910-1944 1871-1953 Ann Arbor Parks Commissioner responsible for the Arboretum/Botanical Gardens/Pioneer of Ann Arbor Park System/Michigan Trees (1956)
Burns, Kenneth Lauren America's Greatest Historical Filmmaker/AAHS 1971 Grad 1953- 15 Emmys/2 Grammys/2 Oscar nominations/Brooklyn Bridge (1981) to U.S. and the Holocaust (2022) with 35 documentaries+6 planned documentaries
Burrows, Edwin Gladding "Ed" University of Michigan Journalism Professor, 1921-1925/Manager of WUOM/WVGR, 1948-1970 1917-2011 WPAG Program Director, 1946-1948
Burrows, Edwin Gwynne "Ted" Pulitzer Prize, son of Edwin Gladding Burrows 1943-2018 Gotham, A History of New York City to 1898-1405 pages (1998)/Grandfather-Millar Burrows also won a Pulitzer Prize
Burton, Clarence Monroe UofM Graduate, 1874/Burton Abstract Company/Author, 1895-1930 1853-1932 Detroit Historiographer, 1908-1932/Ann Arbor Building Codes
Bush, Lawrence Henry Ann Arbor News, 1957-1979/School and Science Beat 1917-2006 Port Huron Times Herald, 1955-1957
Butler, Leslie Anderson Superintendent, Ann Arbor Public Schools, 1920-1925 1880-1976 The Michigan Schoolmaster's Club, 1886-1957/Superintendent-Grand Rapids Public Schools/Central Lake Schools/Michigan State Normal College Director of Laboratory Schools/Basketball Coach/Placement Bureau
Butler, Orma Fitch University of Michigan Curator, Kelsey Museum, 1912-1938 1875-1938 n/a
Buytendorp, Frederick Dietz/Standard Printing 1880-1956 n/a
Byers, Ralph Newell Editor, Ann Arbor News, 1934-1954/Flint Journal/Detroit News 1901-1954 n/a
Cady, O. Printer, Ann Arbor Journal, 1860 n/a n/a
Cain, Stephen Gilbert Michigan Journalist Hall of Fame/Ann Arbor News Reporter 1941- Detroit News/Ypsilanti Press/Saline Reporter/Grand Haven Daily Tribune
Cameron, James Kelsey Saline High School Teacher, 1973-2010/Chelsea HS Grad 1947- Voices over the Valley and Oral History of Saline Valley Farms, 1932-1953
Campbell, Catherine Maria Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1891-1968 n/a
Campbell, Ella M. University of Michigan Library 1890-1972 n/a
Campbell, William n/a 1829-1914 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1905/08
Cantor, George Detroit Free Press/News, 1966-2003 1941-2010 n/a
Cantor, George Nathan Detroit Free Press, 1963-2003 1941-2010 Authored 30 books/Journalism Professor at Wayne State University/Oakland University
Carey, Paul Detroit Tigers Broadcaster, 1973-1991 1928-2016 WJR, 1956-1992/Detroit Pistons Broadcaster
Carleton, William McKendree "Will" The Gazette (1871)-literary magazine/Detroit Weekly Tribune-editor 1845-1912 Published 12 books
Carpenter, Horace Washtenaw County Treasurer/Pioneer Society 1805-1895 Captain, State Militia
Carr, James Erwin Ann Arbor Printer/Dundee Reporter 1841-1905 n/a
Carr, Lowell Juilliard Professor, UofM/Detroit Free Press Editor 1885-1963 Willow Run: A Study of Industrialization and Cultural Inadequacy (1952)
Carroll, Jill Wall Street Journal/Christian Science Monitor/MSNBC 1977- Ann Arbor Huron HS 
Carter, Charles Simeon Lawyer 1846-1923 History of the University of Michigan Class of 1870 (1903)
Carty, James Joseph IV Ann Arbor News Sports Reporter/New York Times 1968- Assistant U.S. Attorney
Cassidy, Jay Lash Photographer, Michigan Daily 1949- UofM Grad, 1972/Hollywood Film Editor, 1972-2022 with 47 completed projects/Academy Award Nominee
Caswell, Harrison Henry City of Ann Arbor Water Manager, 1930-1957/Civil Engineer 1892-1978 Masonic Historian-Authored Histories of the Masonic Lodge in Ann Arbor/Golden Rule
Catey, Julia Ann Gordon Saline Library History 1878-1964 n/a
Catlin, George Byron Librarian, The Detroit News 1857-1934 n/a
Caulkins, Thomas Newton Signal of Liberty 1801-1884 Physician
Cederberg, Carl Edwin WJBK, 1960-1974/WWJ Radio, 1949-1960/WAAM Radio, 1974-1998 1924- n/a
Chance, Homer Roscoe Librarian, Ann Arbor, 1951-1977 1920-2009 n/a
Chandler, Paul Morton Detroit News, 1946-1952/Livonia Observer/Michigan Racing Commission 1919-1964 Michigan State Representaive, 1964
Chang, Julie Ju-young Good Day L.A. 1979- UofM grad/Ann Arbor Huron HS
Chapin, Charles Albert Ann Arbor City Recorder, 1864-1866/Fourth Ward Alderman 1830-1886 Recording Secretary, Pioneer Society/Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society/Paper Manufacturer-Lund&Chapin/Ann Arbor Salt & Lumber/Evarts & Ensign published local histories
Chapin, Lucy Evelena UofM Clerk, 1881-1923, issued over 40,000 diplomas 1856-1940 Granddaughter of Volney Chapin/James Kingsley/Ann Arbor High School Historian
Chapman, Charles Clarke Mayor, Fullerton, California 1853-1944 History of Washtenaw County (1881)-1452 pages
Chase, Alvin Wood Ann Arbor Register (1872)/Peninsula Courier/Ann Arbor Visitant (1866) 1815-1885 A Guide to Wealth! Over One Hundred Valuable Recipes for Saloons, Inn-Keepers, Grocers, Druggists, Merchants and Families (1858)
Chase, Robert William Photographer, Ann Arbor News 1947- n/a
Chase, Theodore Russell The Michigan University Book, 1844-1880 1826-1898 UofM Grad, 1849/Taught school at Ann Arbor, 1849-1851/Lawyer-Cleveland/Detroit
Chase, William DeRoy Chase's Calendar of Events, 1957-2020 1922-2020 Librarian, Flint Journal
Cheever, Noah Wood Judge/The City of Ann Arbor/Stories and Amusing Incidents in the Early History of the University of Michigan 1839-1906 Pleasant Walks and Drives around Ann Arbor (1899)
Cheney, Henry Librarian, Detroit Public Library 1808-1885 n/a
Childs, William Kilton Secretary/Treasurer, Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Co. 1843-1916 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1914
Chrisman, Judith Ann Washtenaw County Historical Society Archivist 1938- n/a
Church, Conrad Nathaniel Ann Arbor News/Michigan Daily Reporter 1894-1986 Pontiac Press
Churchill, Martha Ann Attorney, Milan/Ann Arbor High School Class of 1969 1950- Monroe News Reporter/Milan/Ann Arbor High School Grad-1968/Electric Trolleys of Washtenaw County (2009)
Cicarelli, Charles H. Artist/Print Collection-Bentley Library, 1974-1989 1934- Sesquicentennial Award in the 1974 Winter Art Fair for his drawing of Ann Arbor's 1893 Main Street
Clark, Charles Gridley Editor, Peninsular/Ann Arbor Courier/Journal, 1860-1874 1831-1903 UofM Grad, 1854/Presbyterian Church-Trustee/Justice of the Peace, 1866-1870/Postmaster-1874/Lodi Academy/United Church of Christ-Webster Township, Pastor until 1858
Clark, Edward Register of Deeds, Washtenaw County 1807-1887 Called for a meeting of the Pioneer Society on August 19, 1873 to reactivate the group/opened a store at Main & Washington May, 1827
Clarke, Kim M. Reporter, Ann Arbor News/Muskegon Chronicle/Cadillac 1956- University of Michigan Bicentennial Director, 2014-2018/Always Leading Forever Valiant, 1817-2017
Clements, Samuel n/a 1817-1904 Early History of the Town of Lima, Michigan (1874)
Clements, Wayne Founder, Saline Historical Society 1987 1931-2015 n/a
Clements, William Lawrence Book Collector 1861-1934 Clements Library, University of Michigan
Clinton, Anna Lutz Ann Arbor High School Teacher, 1891-1939-48 years 1887-1961 Clinton School and Park named in her honor
Clymer, Eloise Reese Ann Arbor News Reporter/Lake Forester Newspaper 1924-2018 Pima County Medical Society Sombrero Magazine, 1980-1987
Codrington, Frank Thomas Ypsilanti Press 1858-1919 n/a
Coffey, Hobart Raphael Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1896-1969 n/a
Colburn, Harvey Cade Chaplain, Ypsilanti State Hospital/Minister, Ypsilanti-FCC 1875-1958 The Story of Ypsilanti (1923)
Colclazer, Henry UofM Librarian 1809-1881 Methodist Minister/Spring Arbor/Monroe
Cole, Arthur Charles Ann Arbor High School/UofM Graduate, 1907 1886-1976 History Professor, University of Illinois/Ohio State University/Brooklyn College/Author of 5 History Books, 1913-1934
Cole, Harry Miller Contractor 1884-1969 n/a
Cole, James Madison Editor&Publisher, Ann Arbor Journal, 1855-1868 1819-1906 Brother of Lawrence Washington Cole
Cole, Lawrence Washington Editor, Ann Arbor Argus, 1838-1854 1812-1894 Editor, Albion Mirror, 1855-1894/Pro-Slavery and Anti-Union views
Collins, Betsy Ellora Carven n/a 1852-1942 Saline Founding by Orange Risdon
Conger, Clinton Beach "Pat" Ann Arbor High School/UofM Graduate 1917-1989 Central Intelligence Agency, 1951-1979/Los Angeles Mirror
Conger, Seymour Beach Foreign Correspondent, Associated Press, 1910-1917 1876-1934 UofM Graduate
Conger, Seymour Beach III News Editor, New York Tribune, 1942-1966/Reader's Digest 1912-1969 n/a
Conlin, Jennifer Anne Michigan House of Representatives, 2023-present 1961- n/a
Connelly, William Henry Chelsea Sesquicentennial 1908-1994 n/a
Conrad, Benjamin John Ann Arbor Printing Company/Register Publishing 1833-1902 Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company
Cook, Converse G. Ann Arbor Printer/Photographer/Ann Arbor Argus 1840-1920 n/a
Cook, Sydney Perry Ann Arbor News Reporter/Columnist/City Councilman 1894-1963 "Ye Old Editor Has His Say"
Cooley, Thomas MacIntyre Editor, Michigan State Supreme Court, 1858-1864/State Supreme Court, 1864-1885 1824-1898 UofM Law Professor, 1859-1884/Editor, Adrian Watch-Tower/donated house for Michigan Union
Coombs, Leonard Alden University of Michigan Bentley Library Archivist 1951- Author-5 books
Cooper, George R. Printer, Inland Printing and Register Publishing 1866-1928 n/a
Copeland, Roscoe Pulaski Dexter Village President-35 years/School Board 1838-1933 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1900
Corbin, Nathan D. Detroit Tribune/Ann Arbor Printer 1862-1906 Ann Arbor High School grad/UofM Grad, 1886
Cordray, Ronald Edgell Ann Arbor News 1936-1998 n/a
Corselius, Cornelia E. Daughter of George Corselius 1837-1915 Some of the Early Homes of Ann Arbor (1909)/Newspaper Reporter
Corselius, George Ann Arbor's First Librarian/Editor, Detroit Advertiser/Tribune 1806-1849 Editor, Western Emigrant-1829/Washtenaw Whig-1833/Michigan State Register-1836
Coulter, Ralph Giraud Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1935-1939 1914-2012 Flint Journal, 1941-1979
Cox, Brian Saline Reporter/Milan-News Leader n/a n/a
Cram, Martha Elizabeth  Michigan State Normal School graduate 1839-1905 Associate Editor, Traverse City Herald/Michigan Women's Press Association, 1890
Crandell, Alger Buell Salesman/Crandell Oil Co./Ann Arbor Civic Theater 1892-1980 Ann's Amazing Arbour (1965)/Belleville, the Happy Town (1960)/Detroit First! And Western Made It (1963)/Thumb of Laughter: Sanilac Club 1961/UofM grad 1915
Crane, Alexander Dallas Judge/Constable/Sheriff/Tax Collector/Postmaster 1809-1893 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1877-78
Crane, Verner Winslow University of Michigan History Professor 1889-1974 Authority of Benjamin Franklin/Southern Frontier/Editor, American Historical Review
Crary, Douglas Dunham University of Michigan Geography Professor, 1941-1973 1910-2006 Ann Arbor Sesquicentennial President, 1974/Ann Arbor City Council/Geography Teacher-Greenhills School/Crary Park named in his honor
Craven, George Ernest University of Michigan Bookbinder/Restoration Specialist 1895-1977 n/a
Craven, James William University of Michigan Bindery, 1964-2012 1931-2020 n/a
Crittenden, Samuel Reed n/a 1847-1898 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1890
Crockett, Jeff and Christine n/a 1946- Librarian, Community High School/Assistive Technology Coordinator-Northville & Plymouth-Canton Schools
Cropsey, Jasper Francis Artist 1823-1900 University of Michigan Campus Painting/Detroit Observatory, 1855, friend of President Henry Tappan
Cross, Arthur Lyon University of Michigan Professor, 1899-1940/History of the UofM Dept. of History 1873-1940 History of St. Andrews Church (1906)
Cummins, Robert Adair Ann Arbor News, 1937-1978 1916-1995 n/a
Curtis, Henry Stoddard n/a 1870-1954 Huron-Metro Park System
Cushing, Bertrand Elmer Cushing-Malloy Printers 1909-1972 n/a
Cutcheon, Byron Mac U.S. Congress, 1883-1891/UofM Board of Regents, 1875-1883 1836-1908 Editorial Writer, Detroit Daily Tribune/Journal, 1895-1897/Michigan as a Province, Territory and State: The Twenty-Six Member of the Federal Union (1906)/The Class of Sixty-One (1902)
Cwik, Terry Thomas President, Salem Area Historical Society 1952- President, Washtenaw County History Consortium/Retired Automotive Engineer
D'ooge, Martin Luther Principal, Ann Arbor High School, 1863-1865/University of Michigan Professor, 1868-1897 1839-1915 The Dutch Pioneers of Michigan
Dahlmstrom, Herbert Sigfred Ann Arbor Librarian 1897-1972 n/a
Dann, John Christie Director, Clements Library, 1977-2007 1944- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1980
Danser, Herman Hartwig Editor, Washtenaw Post 1843-1908 n/a
Davenport, Horace Willard University of Michigan Physiology Professor, 1956-1983 1912-2005 Not Just Any Medical School: The Science, Practice and Teaching of Medicine at the University of Michigan, 1850-1941/A University of Michigan Faculty Life, Warren Plimpton Lombard in Ann Arbor, 1892-1939
Davis, Calvin Olin n/a 1871-1954 A History of the Congregational Church in Ann Arbor, 1847-1947
Davis, Charles H. Printer/Son of Lorenzo Davis 1849-1887 n/a
Davis, David Evan Editor/Publisher, Car and Driver Magazine/Automotive Magazine 1930-2011 n/a
Davis, James Professor of History&Geography, Illinois College, 1971-2011 1940- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 2015-16
Davis, James E. Printer/Son of Lorenzo Davis 1839- n/a
Davis, Lorenzo Minister/Publisher 1812-1890 Register of Deeds/Ann Arbor Journal/Brother, Parmenio, was a physician and Mayor of Ypsilanti
Davis, Raymond Cazellis Librarian, University of Michigan, 1868-1905 1836-1919 n/a
Davis, Rice Beal Printer, Davis-Ohlinger  1879-1951 n/a
Davison, Charles B. Pressman, Ann Arbor Courier 1841-1906 3-Time Master of Elks Lodge #325, 1883-1896/Chief Fire Engineer
Day, William Rufus Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1849-1923 n/a
De Ryke, Lucile Johnson Milan Leader 1893-1973 n/a
Dean, Elizabeth Russell Daughter of Mayor Sedgwick Dean 1884-1964 $1,940,369 donated to the City of Ann Arbor in 1964 for tree upkeep
Decatur, Edna Field Vosper University of Michigan Library 1901-1943 n/a
Decker, Ferol Onnolee Bradford Leggette Brinkman Editor, University Musical Society 1896-1995 University of Michigan Publications/Registrar/Editor, University of Michigan Encyclopedic Survey, 1940-1975 (1977)
Delano, Fred Hurst Publicist, University of Michigan, 1940-1943 1916-1989 Chicago Tribune/Long Beach Press-Telegram/University of Detroit/Detroit Pistons/Detroit Race Course/Plymouth Mail&Observer/Farmington Enterprise&Observer/Observer Newspapers
Demmon, Isaac Newton UofM Professor, English/Dept.Chair, 1881-1920 1842-1920 67 works in 93 publications including History of the University of Michigan (1906)/Principal-Ann Arbor High School
DeNeff, Wayne Herbert Sports Writer, Ann Arbor News, 1953-1988 1924-2009 n/a
Depue, David Largest private library in Washtenaw County/rare articles/Indian artifacts 1808-1889 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1882
Derby, William Wallace Printer, Ann Arbor Journal 1841-1901 n/a
Detter, Raymond Arthur Downtown Area Citizens Advisory 1931- A Ministry to Millions: Lloyd C. Douglas, 1877-1951 (1975)
Dettling, Nellie Davenport  n/a 1897-1982 History of Silver Lake/Rogers Corners Schools
Devries, Susann Eeva Lepisto Eastern Michigan University Librarian/Saline 1969- Western Kentucky
Dewald, Thomas Hugh Ypsilanti Press 1959- Harry Bennett book
Dexter, Samuel William Publisher, Western Emigrant 1792-1863 Washtenaw County Judge, 1826-1833/Harvard graduate/founder of Dexter and Gordon Hall/Good friend of Organge Risdon, founder of Saline and John Allen, founder of Ann Arbor/UofM Regent/State Senator-1845
Diab, Thomas John Teacher, Howell High School 1970- Biographies and Portraits of Chelsea's Prominent Citizens (2013)
Dickerson, Freeman B. Publisher 1851-1924 n/a
Dierdorf, Daniel Lee Broadcaster, 1984-2021 1949- Michigan Football All-American/NFL Hall of Fame/Michigan Sports Hall of Fame/College Football Hall of Fame
Dietz, Hiram Judson Printer, Ypsilanti/Battle Creek 1850-1942 n/a
Dikeman, Agnes Schettenhelm Curator, Rentschler Museum at Saline 1935- Reading Specialist, Grass Lake Schools
Diles, Larry David n/a 1931-2009 n/a
Dimock, Fred Lionel University of Michigan Library 1909-2005 n/a
Disbrow, Donald and Dorothy May Aucott EMU Professor/Ypsilanti Historical Society Archivist 1917-2005 n/a
Dobson, Lucille Katherine Broge Gregory WIOA/WHRV/WPAG-22 years 1919-1982 n/a
Dobson, Russell Tomlinson Jr. Insurance/Investment Dealer/Publisher-Ann Arbor Times-News 1861-1938 Ann Arbor City Council/Ann Arbor Trust Company
Dodge, Roy L. Michigan Ghost Towns/Ticket to Hell 1918-1978 n/a
Doherty, John Kenneth University of Michigan Track Coach, 1930-1948 1905-1996 Track & Field Omnibook (1971)/Solving Camp Behavior Problems (1941)/Modern Track&Field (1952)
Doll, Louis William Teacher, Bay City Junior College/Delta College, 1953-1977 1911-2001 History of Ann Arbor Newspapers, 1829-1920 (1959)/A History of St. Thomas Parish (1941)/Less Than Immortal: The Rise and Fall. Of Frank Porter Glazier of Chelsea, Michigan
Donnelly, Walter and Dorothy Marie Boillotat Editor, University of Michigan Press 1900-1981 Collectors of thousands of books/Poet/Essayist-author of 6 books of poetry and prose (1903-1994)
Dooley, Gregory Francis Michigan Athletic Historian 1971- n/a
Douglass, Mary Louise n/a 1860-1941 Bequethed her home at 502 East Huron St. to the University of Michigan in 1942 provided that it become known at the Washtenaw Historical Museum
Dow, Earl Wilbur University of Michigan History Professor, 1892-1938 1868-1946 n/a
Downey, Mike Detroit Free Press/Los Angeles Times/CNN/The Sporting News 1951-2024 Chicago Tribune/Chicago Sun-Times/Chicago Daily News
Doyle, Anne Jane (Farrell) WJBK Sports Reporter 1948- Daughter of Vince Doyle/UofM Grad
Drummond, Jerome Herbert Ypsilanti Library Clerk 1956- n/a
Duderstadt, James Johnson University of Michigan President/Nuclear Engineering Professor, 1968-1996 1942-2024 Millenium Project/30 books+200 technical publications
Duff, Lela Adelaide English Teacher, Ann Arbor High School 1891-1983 Ann Arbor Yesterdays/Pioneer School
Dumond, Dwight Lowell University of Michigan Professor, 1930-1965 1895-1976 Leading U.S. Authority on Slavery/Authored 10 books
Dunn, Patrick Paul Editor, Concentrate, 2005-present 1988- n/a
Dybis, Karen Jennifer Talaski Detroit News/Oakland Press/Adrian Daily Telegram 1972- Author, Detroit Style Pizza/Better Made in Michigan/Secret Detroit/The Witch of Delray
Dykes, De Witt History Professor, Oakland University 1938- n/a
Eberbach, Lynda Erna Home Economics Teacher, Ann Arbor High School/Jones School 1894-1981 UofM Grad, 1916, Columbia Grad 1918
Edmondson, James Bartlett University of Michigan Dean of Education 1882-1954 n/a
Edmunds, James Madison Ypsilanti Sentinel 1810-1879 Michigan State Senate/House of Representatives/Chair-Republican Party/Lumber Business-Saginaw/Tuscola Counties/Commissioner-U.S. Land Office/Comptroller-Detroit
Edmunds, William P. & Nathalie Elliott Ypsilanti Historical Society Historical Preservation Pioneers 1925-2004 n/a
Edwards, Daniel Abraham Edwards Brothers Printing, 1893 1866-1937 n/a
Edwards, John "JJ" Edwards Brothers Printing, 1893 1859-1922 n/a
Edwards, John Joseph Edwards Brothers    1960- n/a
Edwards, Thomas J. Edwards Brothers Printing, 1893 1864-1932 n/a
Eisen, Richard ESPN/NFL Network 1969- n/a
Eisendrath, Charles Rice University of Michigan Professor, 1975-2016 1940- Knight-Wallace Fellowships/Wallace House
Eldersveld, Samuel James UofM Professor, Political Science, 1946-1986/Mayor 1917-2010 22 books on Political Science
Elling, Elizabeth M. Ann Arbor News Business Editor/Ann Arbor Citizen of the Year Finalist, 2008 1946-2022 n/a
Emmert, John William Chelsea Herald/Grocery Store in 1890 1857-1944 Eaton Rapids Herald/Flint Journal/Hillsdale College
Emmons, Richard Holloway City Editor, Ann Arbor News/Huron Valley Advisor/Michigan Alumnus 1919-2000 Michigan Memories (1965)
Erlwine, Stephen Thomas Senior Editor, AllMusic 1973- UofM grad
Eshenroder, Owen Dansard Ann Arbor News 1947-1998 n/a
Etter, Lester Frederick "Les" UofM Publicity Director, 1943-1968 1904-1983 n/a
Everett, Jay n/a 1827-1922 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1911
Ewing, William Sterling University of Michigan Library 1912-2005 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1964
Faber, Donald James Ann Arbor News Columnist-Faber's World 1939-2017 The Toledo War-The First Michigan-Ohio State Rivalry
Falls, Joseph Francis Detroit Times/Detroit Free Press/Detroit News-1956-2003 1928-2004 n/a
Farmer, Silas Historiographer of Detroit 1839-1902 n/a
Farrand, Elizabeth Ann Arbor High School (1870)/UofM Grad (1887) 1852-1900 History of the University of Michigan (1885)/worked at UofM Library (1870)/Granddaughter of Bethuel Farrand
Felch, Alpheus Law Professor, University of Michigan/Governor of Michigan/State Supreme Court Justice 1804-1882 State of Michigan Bank Commissiioner/President, Michigan State Historical Society, 1888-1894
Felch, Alpheus President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1873 1804-1896 n/a
Feldscher, Kyle Robert Ann Arbor News Reporter 1988- Senior White House Editor-CNN
Filipiak, Stephen James University of Michigan Football Announcer, 1957-1972 1917-2002 n/a
Finley, Florus Samuel n/a 1819-1901 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1883
Finney, Byron Alfred Librarian, UofM, 1891-1916 1849-1938 6 books including A Third Volume Devoted to Washtenaw County (1924)/The Bells of the University of Michigan/President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1918
Fisher, Dale Frederick AA HS grad, Pilot 1933- Visions of the Eagle (1996)/II/III (2011)
Fitzgerald, Colleen Ann Arbor News Photographer 1955- Photo Generations-Dexter, 1996-2024
Flanders, Clover Marion University of Michigan Extension Service 1906-2001 n/a
Flemming, William Norman "Bill" AAHS/UofM grad/ABC Sport Announcer 1926-2007 WUOM/WPAG/WWJ-1953/Wide World of Sports, 1961-covered over 600 events
Fletcher, Foster Lambie City Historian-Ypsilanti 1897-1985 n/a
Fletcher, Frank Joseph n/a 1835-1916 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1904
Florer, Warren Washburn Early Michigan Settlements 1869-1958 n/a
Foote, Mark President, The National Press Club, 1934-1935 1876-1957 Associated Press/Booth Newspapers-54 years
Forbes, Joseph John Printer, Ypsilantian 1860-1948 n/a
Ford, Bonnie DeSimone Ann Arbor News, 1981-1987/Detroit News, 1987-1994/Chicago Tribune, 1996-2004 1958- ESPN, 2007-2020
Ford, Richard Clyde Professor, Michigan State Normal College, 1903-1940 1870-1951 10 books including John D. Pierce-Founder of the Michigan School System/Heroes and Hero Tales of Michigan
Forsythe, Charles Edward Milan High School/Michigan State Normal College/UofM grad 1899-1968 Michigan High School Athletic Association, 1929-1968/Milan High School Teacher/Lansing Central High School Teacher/Ahtletic Director
Foster, Gustavus Lemuel Pastor 1818-1876 The Past of Ypsilanti (1857)
Foster, Terry Detroit Free Press/News, 1982-2017 1959- Grand Rapids Press
Foster, Theodore Raeejeph Editor, Signal of Liberty 1812-1865 Superintendent, Michigan Reform School
Fournier, Gregory Allen Teacher, Ypsilanti HS 1948- Terror in Ypsilanti (2016)
Frank, Mary Jo n/a 1948- History of Desegregation of Ann Arbor Public Schools, 1954-1976
Fraumann, Edwin H. Dexter High School History Teacher 1947- Dexter (1968)
Freeman, Carol Willits Dixboro Historian 1911-1998 Dixboro Lest We Forget
Freeman, Thomas Alan Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission 1950- n/a
Friess, Steve Freelance Journalist 1972- Newsweek/Crain Communications/Politico/Hour Detroit/Las Vegas Review-Journal
Frisinger, Joseph Alton City of Ann Arbor Personnel Director 1934- Passport to Ann Arbor (1965)
Frothingham, George Edward Editor, Ann Arbor Register/Doctor/UofM 1864 graduate 1836-1900 Editor, University of Michigan Medical Journal
Frueauff, Eugene Emil Koelbing Publisher, Ann Arbor Argus/Deputy Washtenaw County Clerk 1850-1917 City Editor, Washtenaw Times
Fuller, George Newman Michigan Historical Commission, 1913/Editor, Michigan History Magazine 1873-1957 UofM Grad, 1905/Doctorate-1912/UofM Instructor/Centennial History of Michigan
Fulton, Douglas James Photographer, Ann Arbor News, 1958-1983 1928-1996 n/a
Gage, Tom Detroit News, 1979-2015 1948- n/a
Galant, Richard Louis Managing Editor, CNN Opinion 1945- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 2006-09
Gallagher, Arthur Paul Editor, Ann Arbor News, 1954-1976 1911-2010 Ann Arbor Tribune/South Haven Daily Reporter
Gallup, Eli Albert Ann Arbor Parks Director, 1919-1957 1891-1964 n/a
Garcia, Patricia Marie Publisher, Ann Arbor Observer, 1986-present 1954- n/a
Gardiner, Earles Palmer Editor, Michigan Argus, 1835-1858/Detroit Courier 1799-1866 Ann Arbor Justice, 1860
Gardner, Eugene R. Saline Observer n/a n/a
Garrison, Garnet Ray Professor, UofM, 1947-/NBC/Wayne State 1911-2000 University of Michigan Television Center (1950)/Broadcasting Producer/Director
Geddes, John President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1857 1801-1889 n/a
Gee, Charles Frederic Student, Michigan State Normal School/Cleary School of Penmanship 1857-1919 Editor, Pontiac Times/Imlay City Herald/Port Huron Tribune/Carleton Advertiser
Gehring, Carl Ernest Ann Arbor Times News, 1925-1934/1943-1961 1897-1966 Ann Arbor News State Editor, 1941-1962
Gerganoff, Ralph Stephens Architect 1887-1966 Designed and built many buildings in both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, but also wrote several historical papers
Gibson, Carole Elaine  Ann Arbor Huron HS Grad-1974 1958- Another Ann Arbor
Gibson, John Jefferson Ann Arbor Photographer, 1882-1893 1851-1902 Photographer for the 1893 World's Fair at Chicago
Gibson, Norman Reader Jr. Ann Arbor News Reporter 1929-1999 n/a
Gilbert, Erastus N. Washtenaw County Clerk 1840-1904 n/a
Gillard, Jack Ann Arbor News, 1990-2009 1939-2013 Managing Editor, Oakland Press
Gillett, Lucretia Saline Photographer, 1862-1890 1820-1894 n/a
Gillette, Fredericka Botsford University of Michigan Library 1875-1958 n/a
Gjelsness, Rudolph Hjalmar Dean, University of Michigan Library Science, 1940-1964/Professor, 1925 1894-1968 n/a
Goetz, Adam H. Printer, Goetzcraft  1866-1945 n/a
Goetz, Michael Paul Printer, Ann Arbor Courier/Register/Journal/Argus 1870-1892 n/a
Goldberg, Susan Blonston USA Today/Bloomberg/National Geographic 1959- Detroit Free Press/San Jose Mercury News/Cleveland Plain Dealer/Ann Arbor Huron HS
Goodale, Leonard Crandal Photographer/Newspaper Publisher 1802-1847 First Baptist Church Clerk
Goode, Erica New York Times Reporter, 1998-2017/Ann Arbor Pioneer HS (1970) 1952- UofM Grad/Reporter/Editor, 1980-2023
Goodrich, Francis Lee Dewey University of Michigan Library 1877-1962 Michigan State Normal College, 1897
Goodrich, Merchant Huxford President, State of Michigan Pioneer Society, 1876-1887 1826-1892 Corresponding Secretary, Washtenaw County Pioneer Society, 1873
Gorman, Michael Arthur Saginaw Courier-Herald/News/News Courier, 1910-1928/Flint Journal,, 1928-1958 1892-1958 n/a
Graffagnino, Jonathan Kevin Director, Clements Library 1954- n/a
Grantham, Russell Lee Ann Arbor News/Memphis Commercial Appeal/Atlanta Journal-Constitution 1959- n/a
Grapentine, Carl Jonathan University of Michigan Football Announcer, 2006-present 1949- n/a
Graves, Albert Rufus n/a 1840-1921 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1897
Graves, Frederick August n/a 1831-1907 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1902
Gray, Asa First Librarian at the University of Michigan/Professor of Botany-1838-1840 1810-1888 Gray's Manual of Botany
Gray, Charles Henry Musical Interests at the University of Michigan, 1897 1877-1929 UofM Grad, 1895/Taught English Literature while completing a Master's degree in 1897
Green, Jerome Frederic Detroit News, 1963-2004 1928-2023 New York Journal-American, 1952/Associated Press, 1956-1963
Greene, Samue Saunders Detroit Free Press/News, 1922-1963 1895-1963 n/a
Greene, Samuel Saunders Detroit News/Free Press Sports Reporter/Editor, 1922-1963 1895-1963 n/a
Gregory, Charles Seymour Dexter School Board-20 years/President-Dexter Village/Supervisor-Scio Township 1816-1893 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1890/State of Michigan Legislature-twice elected
Groom, William A. Printer, Ann Arbor Argus 1860-1936 n/a
Groomes, Katherine Agatha Steeb Washtenaw County Historical Society Treasurer/Secretary-21 years 1886-1975 Matrons' Club of the Eastern Star
Groves, William Parley n/a 1819-1899 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1887
Guest, Aaron Ypsilanti Chronicle, 1848-1850, Printer 1806-1893 Newark, NJ/New York
Guest, Edgar Albert Detroit Free Press, 1895-1859 1881-1959 Honoray UofM Degree in 1955/Poet
Guregian, Carol Florence n/a 1925-2010 50 Farmers of Southern Michigan
Guthe, Carl Eugene UofM Anthropology Professor/Museum Director, 1922-1944 1893-1974 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1929-1933
Haab, Julius Walter Superintendent, Washtenaw County Schools, 1939-1966 1895-1968 Asked all schools to write histories of their school districts
Haagen, Cordelia Laura University of Michigan Library 1891-1982 n/a
Haarer, John Ann Arbor's First Photographer in 1861 1840-1916 n/a
Hadley, Lunette Knapp "Lucy" University of Michigan Cataloger, 1925-1939 1878-1949 n/a
Haines, Peggy M. Washtenaw County Clerk, 1990-2004 1941- n/a
Hall, Louis Phillips UofM Dental School Professor, 1893-1941 1860-1941 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1935
Halstead, William Perdue and Claribel Buford Baird  University of Michigan Professors of Speech/Theater, 1935-1975 1904-2003 n/a
Hamilton, Alexander White Ann Arbor Courier 1848-1932 Mutual Fire Insurance Company/Michigan Furniture Company/Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad/Ann Arbor Water Company/Hamilton Block/Hamilton Park
Hammett, Ralph Warner University of Michigan Architecture Professor, 1931-1965 1896-1984 n/a
Hammond, David Augustus Superintendent, Augusta Township Schools/Tecumseh Schools 1855-1922 Michigan State Board of Education
Hand, Darwin E. Printer 1843-1921 n/a
Handy, George Charles Publisher, Ypsilanti Press 1886-1958 n/a
Hannum, Francis Amelia Librarian, Ann Arbor, 1928-1951 1886-1955 n/a
Hans, Otto Henry Manager, Michigan Daily/Ann Arbor Press/Editor, Ann Arbor Times 1873-1940 n/a
Hansen, Ralph John Jr. University of Michigan Library 1916-1993 n/a
Harkins, James Edward Builder/Real Estate Dealer/Entertainer 1859-1941 City and County Clerk
Harriman, William Dexter Ann  Arbor Mayor, 1883-85/donated home at 1219 Washtenaw for UofM Alumnae Center 1832-1925 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1898
Harrington, Mark Walrod UofM Grad, 1868/UofM Astronomy Professor/Director of Observatory 1848-1926 Assistant Curator-University Museum/Chief of the Weather Bureau/taught French/Mathematics/Geology/Zoology/Botany
Harris, Glen A. Ann Arbor News n/a Jackson Citizen Patriot
Harrison, Robert Methune Washtenaw County Clerk, 1968-1990 1927-2014 n/a
Harroun, Blanche Emily Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1883-1947 n/a
Harwell, William Ernest "Ernie" Baseball Announcer-55 years/42 years with the Detroit Tigers 1918-2010 Atlanta Constitution/The Sporting News
Hatch, William Bell Publisher, The Ypsilantian 1867-1939 n/a
Hathaway, John and Mary Attorney/City Council/Historic Commission 1929-2001 Historical Preservationists
Hathaway, William M. Ann Arbor Argus 1839-1925 Grand Rapids Post/Daily Times
Haugh, Georgia Elizabeth Campbell University of Michigan Library 1912-2003 n/a
Hawkins, Ebenezer C. Printer, Ypsilanti Sentinel, 1843-1870 1815-1892 Utica Observer
Hawkins, Harry Advertisers Publishing Company 1900-1982 n/a
Hawkins, James Francis Detroit Sports Writer, 1970-2011 1944- n/a
Hayner, Charlotte Irene University High School Libriarian 1896-1989 University High School, 1924-1968
Hays, Nancy Campbell Photographer-Hyde Park 1923-2007 Began photography at the age of 12 in Ann Arbor/Hays-Campbell home at 1555 Washtenaw
Hazzard, Florence Woolsey Ann Arbor resident, 1935-1955 1903-1992 Washtenaw Pioneers (1945), Women Pioneers in Democracy (1948), Pioneer Women of Washtenaw County (1950), and In Recognition of Eliza Maria Mosher (1982)
Heddle, James Edward Broadcaster, WPAG-27 years 1954- Ann Arbor History Blog, 2006-2013
Heider, John C. Ann Arbor News/Ypsilanti Press Photographer 1964- Hometown Life
Heilmann, Harry Edwin Detroit Tigers, 1914-1929/Detroit Tigers Broadcaster, 1934-1950 1894-1951 n/a
Helber, James Eugene Washtenaw Post Publisher, 1917-1926 1887-1943 n/a
Hemingway, Charles Henry John Washtenaw County Tribune 1872-1946 n/a
Hemingway, Thomas Conrad WUOM Sports Broadcaster, Michigan Football-40 years 1933- n/a
Henderson, Stephen Pulitzer Prize, 2014/Detroit Today/American Black Journal 1970- UofM Grad, 1992
Henning, Lynn Ghen Detroit News, 1979-2024 1952- n/a
Henning, Lynn Ghen Detroit News Sports Writer, 1979-2013 1952- n/a
Hernandez, Ramon Robert "Ray" Ann Arbor Librarian, 1983-1994 1936-2014 n/a
Heusel, Theodore WAAM/WPAG/WOIA-56 years of broadcasting 1920-2007 Mr. Ann Arbor/Ann arbor School Board President/Ann Arbor Civic Theater-Actor/Director
Hewett, Robert Burch Ann Arbor News/Minneapolis Star Tribune/Cowles Publishing 1913-2014 Associated Press/Decatur Newspaper/Director of Public Affairs-East/West Institute
Hicks, Herbert Scoble President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1968-1970 1897-1975 n/a
Hildebrandt, Henry Mark The Windows of St. Andrews 1926-2024 Electric Trolleys of Washtenaw County (2009)
Hilton, James Lloyd University of Michigan Psychology Professor, 1998-2006/Dean of Libraries, 2013-2022 1959- n/a
Hilton, John David Editor, Ann Arbor Observer, 1986-2023 1952- n/a
Hinsdale, Burke Aaron Editor, The Christian Standard/Superintendent, Cleveland Public Schools 1837-1900 History of the University of Michigan (1906)/President, National Council on Education/Biography of President James Garfield among 6 books authored
Hinsdale, Wilbert Bartlett Father of Michigan Archeology 1851-1944 Professor, University of Michigan, 1895-1944/Indians of Washtenaw County (1927)
Hoff, Donald Earle Printer/Compositor, Ann Arbor News-44 years 1918-1996 n/a
Hoffman, Orrin Printer, Chelsea Herald 1865-1943 n/a
Hoffmayer, Harold Herman "Shorty" Printer, Ann Arbor News.  1906-1982 n/a
Holdship, Deborah Jane Russell Editor, Michigan Today 1962- Billboard Magazine
Hollands, William Charles University of Michigan Bookbinder, 1896-1944 1862-1954 n/a
Holliday, William Fleming "Doc" Program Manager, WWJ-Detroit 1892-1926 Broadcast First Michigan Football Game with Ty Tyson on October 25, 1924
Hollister, Richard Dennis Teall Professor, University of Michigan, Speech&Drama, 1902-1949 1878-1968 n/a
Hollister, Richard Holmes President, Ann Arbor Historical Foundation 1907-1996 Fingerle Lumber
Holmes, Thomas D.D. Minister, First Congregational Church of Chelsea 1817-1913 Chelsea/3 Time President-Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1881-1895/Taught at a Baptist Church School in Ann Arbor on Wall Street in 1838/Chelsea Herald-1884-1885
Hoover, Orrin T. Chelsea Standard 1869-1933 n/a
Hopkins, Anderson Hoytson University of Michigan Library, 1892-1895/Organization and Administration of University Libraries 1861-1917 Physics Instructor, Ann Arbor High School, 1887-1890
Howard, Charles J. Ypsilanti Printer 1873- Commercial Publishing
Howard, Mark Postmaster/Newspaper Editor-assisted Thomas Simpson printing/German paper 1817-1887 President, Protective Life Insurance Company
Howell, Joel Dubose University of Michigan Professor of History/Medicine 1953- Medicine at Michigan: A History of the University of Michigan Medical School at the Bicentennial/Medical Lives and Scientific Medicine at Michigan, 1891-1969
Howlett, Frederick A. Deputy County Clerk 1849-1916 n/a
Hubbell, Paul Edgar Michigan State Normal College History Professor, 1923-1958 1891-1993 n/a
Hudson, Richard Universty of Michigan History Professor, 1879-1911 1846-1915 n/a
Huhn, Herman August Printer, Ann Arbor News-61 years 1881-1979 n/a
Hulik, Kathleen Mary Ann Arbor News Reporter 1943- n/a
Hull, John Wesley n/a 1842-1933 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1917
Hunt, Don & Mary Louise Hoffmann Ann Arbor Observer 1944- n/a
Hunt, Edmund W. n/a 1828- President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1903
Isbell, Egbert Reymond A History of Eastern Michigan University, 1849-1965 1898-1968 Eastern Michigan University History Professor, 1937-1967
Ivory, Melvin Allison Photo Collection of over 10,000 at Bentley Library, 1927-1971 1907-1972 n/a
Jackson, Emma Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1990-2005 n/a Director of Public Relations/Communications Specialist, Ypsilanti Public Schools/Washtenaw Intermediate School District, 2005-2018
Jackson, Joseph Samuel Sport Writer, Detroit News/Free Press/Washington Post 1871-1936 Baseball Writers Association/The Sporting News
Jacobsen, Taylor Lee Artist/Illustrator-Saline High School Art Teacher 1937-2021 n/a
Jacobson, Dana CBS Saturday Morning/ESPN/Cold Pizza/First Take 1971- n/a
Jaeger, Frederick Henry Walter Ann Arbor News Composing Foreman/Printer-nearly 50 years 1911-1983 n/a
Jagdfeld, James Allen Ann Arbor News Photographer 1942- n/a
Jania, Karen Lee Archivist, Bentley Library 1951- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 2016-2024
Jefferson, Mark Sylvester William Professor, Michigan State Normal College 1863-1949 Photographer
Jenkins, Grant Edward Printer, Ann Arbor Argus/Detroit News 1864-1945 n/a
Jenkins, Guy Hugh Lansing Bureau Chief-Booth Newspapers, 1927-1957 1888-1957 Saginaw
Jensen, Steve Ann Arbor Reference Librarian, 1976-2009 1952- UofM Grad, 1974
Jesse, David Ray Reporter, Detroit Free Press/Ann Arbor News 1975- n/a
Jocelyn, Louis Parker Ann Arbor High School Teacher, 1893-1934 1863-1942 First Secretary, University of Michigan Alumni Association (1897)/Founder, Michigan State Interscholastic Forensics Assn. (1917)
Joeckel, Carleton Bruns University of Michigan Library, 1927-1933 1886-1960 n/a
Johnson, Bessie Margaret Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1892- n/a
Johnson, Charles J. Washtenaw Daily Times 1865-1928 n/a
Johnson, Harley Elsworth Managing Editor, Ann Arbor News, 1909-1922 1896-1972 n/a
Johnson, Philip Pearce n/a 1931-2013 Ann Arbor Firefighter, 1888-1972 (1972)/Direct descendent of Elisha Rumsey
Jones, Clara Stanton Librarian, Detroit Public Library 1913-2012 President, American Library Association
Jones, Harold A. Washtenaw County Geneological Society 1900-1987 n/a
Jones, Ione Marie Ely Dority University of Michigan Library 1902-1986 n/a
Jones, Lola M. n/a 1929- Another Ann Arbor
Jordan, Frederick Parker University of Michigan Library, 1889-1922 1857-1946 Husband of Myra Beach Jordan
Josenhans, Alma Marie Postal Clerk/Theatrical History of Ann Arbor 1884-1973 Librarian, Detroit Public Library
Kalmbach, Robert Edward Photographer, UofM, 1953-2000 1934-2001 Ann Arbor News/Sports Illustrated/New York Times/National Geographic
Kane, James Wesley Ann Arbor News Reporter-20 years/WAAM/WSDS 1938-2017 n/a
Karsch, Douglas Joseph Michigan Football Broadcaster 1969- WTKA/Karsch&Anderson/The Ticket
Keedle, Hazel M. Ann Arbor Public Library, 1932-1965 1897-1976 n/a
Kell, George Clyde Detroit Tigers Broadcaster, 1959-1996 1922-2009 Major League Baseball Hall of Fame/All-Star-10 seasons, played 1943-1957/AL Batting Champion-1949
Kelley, Ken Ann Arbor Argus, 1969-1971 1949-2008 Playboy
Kelley, Obediah Alma Ann Arbor Photographer, 1862-1898 1822-1901 n/a
Kellogg, Leverett B. Printer 1828-1900 Brother of Clairvoyant Physician, Daniel B. Kellogg
Kelly, Harry Denton  Associated Press  1888-1971 n/a
Kelsey, William Kline Columnist/Reporter, Detroit News-58 years 1885-1968 n/a
Kemnitz, Milton Neumann Artist 1911-2005 Ann Arbor Then and Now/Michigan Memories
Kempf, Edith Staebler President of Mu Phi Epsilon, Music Fraternity 1898-1993 Wife of Paul Kempf/Daughter-in-Law of Reuben Kempf/German History of Ann Arbor/Kempf House/President-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1938
Kengerski, Edward Joseph University of Michigan Athletic Broadcaster, 2014-present 1966- n/a
Kenny, Munnis President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1858 1788-1863 n/a
Kerr, Clyde C. Athens Press/Ann Arbor Courier/Daily News 1868-1928 n/a
Kerr, Richard Clinton Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1955-1962/Ypsilanti Press/EMU Sports Information 1931-2012 Leelanau Enterprise, 1975-1997/Hillsdale Daily News/President, Ypsilanti Chamber of Commerce
Kestenbaum, Lawrence Carl Washtenaw County Clerk, 2004 1955- The Political Graveyard (1996)
Kincaid, Mattie Faye Allen Teacher, AAHS 1919-2004 The History of the First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1827-1990
King, Howard Dean Michigan Football Announcer, 1972-2005 1932-2026 n/a
King, Julia Anne Preceptress/History Professor, Michigan State Normal School 1838-1919 Principal, Lansing/St. Clair/Flint Schools/Kalamazoo College
Kinney, Gregory Thomas Archivist, Bentley Library 1952- n/a
Kirby, William J. Printer, The Evening Times 1868-1934 n/a
Kiska, Timothy Olin Professor, Wayne State 1952- Author, Detroit Television/A Newscast for the Masses/Detroit's Powers and Personalities/From Soupy to Nuts: A History of Detroit Television
Kittredge, Kendall Editor, Ann Arbor Register.  1845-1890 Partner of Selby Moran
Knapp, Russell Elihue Physician/Druggist/Publisher-Ypsilanti Bulletin-1888 1845-1900 n/a
Koch, Theodore Wesley University of Michigan Library, 1904-1915 1871-1941 Northwestern, 1919-1941, Cornell, Library of Congress
Kornacki, Stephen Gerard University of Michigan Feature Writer, 2014-2020 1956- Mlive Reporter, 2008-2011/Tampa Tribune, 2000-2008/FoxSports-Detroit/University of Michigan-Dearborn Sports Information Director
Kosky, Susan Rae n/a 1940- Saline (2003)/U.S. 12 Heritage Trail: The Nation's Second Highway
Krapf, Conrad n/a 1810-1896 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1886
Krohn, Nancy Julia Hascall Editor, Family History Capers, 1983-2013 1923-2019 n/a
Krulwich, Sara New York Times Photographer 1950- n/a
Kuchar, Emil Joseph Linotype Operator 1892-1977 n/a
Kulsea, William Casimir Booth Newspapers, Lansing Chief, 1957-1976 1911-1999 Booth Newspapers-40 years/Jackson Citizen Patriot
La Motte, Maiteland Robert Ann Arbor News Photographer, 1945-1960 1918-1998 n/a
Lacy, Thomas Francis Ann Arbor Advertising Agency, 1950 (Drury/Lacy) 1918-2010 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1975-77
Ladd, Thomas McCleary T.M. Ladd & Company Printers/Register of Deeds, 1847-1851 1807-1869 Detroit Courier/Elder-First Presbyterian Church
Lage, Larry Leonard Associated Press, 2000-2023/Lansing State Journal 1973- Ann Arbor HS-1991/MSU grad/Georgetown Membership Director
Lane, Raymond WJBK Sports Director/Detroit Lions/Pistons/Red Wings 1930- MSU grad/Detroit McKenzie HS
Lane, Robert William Patrick Saline Historian 1942- n/a
Lane, Victor Hugo Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1852-1930 n/a
Larcom, Geoffrey Stafford Ann Arbor News/Eastern Michigan Media Relations Director 1958- n/a
Larrie, Reginald Reese Black Experiences in Michigan History/Corners of Black History 1928-1997 Instructor, Wayne County Community College
Larson, Margaret Elizabeth University of Michigan Library 1926- n/a
Lathrop, Albert James "Bert" Inland Press/Register Publishing Printer 1870-1934 n/a
Lawrason, Bruce Reporter, Ann Arbor News/Editor, Indianapolis Star-38 years 1929-2018 n/a
Lawrence, Edwin Editor, Michigan State Journal/Michigan Supreme Court Judge 1808-1885 Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge
Lay, Ezra Dennison State Representative, 1874/President, Eastern Michigan Agricultural Society 1807-1890 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1880
Lay, William H. Son of Ezra Dennison Lay, Ypsilanti Pioneer 1839-1906 Necrologist, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County
Leary, Margaret Anne Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library, 1984-2011 1942- Giving It All Away: The Story of William W. Cook and His Michigan Law Quadrangle
LeGoff, Jacques Elliott WJBK/WDIV/WXYZ News Anchor, 1953-1990 1922-2010 n/a
Lemen, Alfred C. University Lithocrafters 1900-1992 n/a
Leonard, Walter Paul & Helen May Chelsea Standard/Dexter Leader, 1947-1995 1918-2003 n/a
Leslie, Dale Robert Watchman of the Tracks/Leslie Office Supply 1948- n/a
Leslie, Eugene Hendricks & Emily Ebner 1976 Donation of 229 acres to the City of Ann Arbor for Leslie Golf Course, Woods, Park and Science Center 1890-1976 n/a
Lewis, David Lanier University of Michigan Business School Professor, 1966-2008 1927-2023 Authority on Henry Ford and the Auto Industry-authored 9 books/State Editor, Alton Telegraph/Reporter-Edwardsville Intelligencer
Liebman, Juliann Louis Gerald ("Specs Howard) Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, 1970 1926-2022 Howard and Martin Show
Liesemer, Louis Jacob & Emma Helber Die Washtenaw Post, 1879-1894/Saline Standard 1859-1943 Emma-Michigan State Normal School (1878)-Assistant Editor+Writer/Reporter
Lockard, Cecil Emery Photographer, Ann Arbor News 1929- Older brother of Jon Onye Lockard
Lockard, Jon Onye Ann Arbor Artist  1932-2015 n/a
Lockwood, Lloyd J. Ann Arbor News/Jackson Citizen-Patriot/Lansing Journal/Albion Transcript Printer 1879-1949 n/a
Logghe, Michael Robert Ann Arbor Police Sergeant 1963- True Crimes and the History of the Ann Arbor Police Department (2002)
Longone, Janice Bluestein Culinary Historian 1933-2022 n/a
Loomans, Leslie Louis n/a 1943- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 2009-14
Loomis, Lucy Brown Librarian, Ypsilanti, 1887-1926 1843-1926 n/a
Lorch, Emil I. Professor, UofM-Architecture 1870-1963 First Historic Preservationist-Restored Gordon Hall (Dexter)/President-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1942-44
Lovejoy, George Newell Published several articles/songs in Harper's, Lippincott's, St. Nicholas, Youth's Companion, American Magazine, etc. 1843-1915 UofM Law School grad (1864)
Loving, Nellie Seymour Librarian, Ann Arbor, 1883-1922 1860-1944 n/a
Lowery, Samuel Llewelyn Ann Arbor Printer, 1926-1947 1876-1958 n/a
Lyman, Frances Jean Librarian, Gerald Ford Library 1934-2024 Hi;storical Preservation-Cobblestone Farm
Lynch, Frank Joseph "Budd" Detroit Red Wings Broadcaster-63 years 1917-2012 n/a
Lyndon, Alford Samuel Photographer 1875-1962 n/a
MacAuley, Patrick Michael Historic Ann Arbor, an Architectural Guide (2014) 1977- n/a
MacInnes, Margo M. n/a 1930- n/a
Mackenzie, DeWitt Talmadge Associated Press-41 years 1885-1962 Syracuse Post Standard/Schenectady Gazette
Madej, Bruce Michael University of Michigan Sports Information Director, 1982-2010 1952- Reporter, Ypsilanti Press
Magee, Kenneth Wendell University of Michigan Police Chief 1958- Ultimate Michigan Football Program and Ticket Guide/Little Brown Jug/The Game 
Maginn, Gertrude M. University of Michigan Library 1881-1964 n/a
Maki, Kim Evonne n/a 1956- Retrokimmer.com
Makielski, Leon Alexander Ann Arbor Artist/University of Michigan Faculty, 1915-1927 1885-1974 Produced over 3,000 paintings
Malloy, James Harry Cushing-Malloy Printers 1909-1994 n/a
Mangouni, Norman Reporter, Ann Arbor News/Editor, Michigan Alumnus/Caravan Books 1932- Publisher, Academic Resource Corporation, 1972-present/Director, State University of New York Press
Mann, James Thomas Eastern Michigan Grad, 1980 1955- Ypsilanti in Pictures (2002)/20th Century(2003)/Wicked Washtenaw (2011)/Wicked Ypsilanti (2014)/Murder and Mayhem in Washtenaw (2022)
Mann, Margaret University of Michigan Professor of Library Science, 1926-1938 1873-1960 n/a
Maraniss, Elliot "Ace" Reporter, Michigan Daily/Madison Capital Times/Detroit Times 1918-2004 n/a
Marans, Robert Warren Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission 1934- n/a
Marrin, Douglas Lee Editor, The Sun Times 1960- n/a
Marsh, Frederick Howard Vermilyea "Mil" Sporting Editor, Ann Arbor Times-News, 1923-1959 1897-1963 n/a
Marsh, Meredith Millard "Mill" and "Reedy" Ann Arbor News Sports Editor/Reporter, 1920-1959 1876-1953 n/a
Marsh, Nicholas Arlin (Gary) Scio Village/Michigan Central Railroad/Remembering Delhi Village 1949- The Railroad King: James F. Joy
Marshall, Albert Prince EMU Professor 1914-2001 n/a
Marston, Isaac Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1839-1891 Uofm Grad (1861)/State of Michigan Attorney General/Supreme Court Judge
Martyn, Bruce Glenn Detroit Red Wings Broadcaster, 1964-1995 1929-
Marwill, Jonathan Levy University of Michigan Professor/Wayne State/Oakland/CCS 1940- A History of Ann Arbor (1991)
Marzolf, Leslie Kingsbury UofM Professor, 1963-2000 1929-2017 Historic Preservationist
Maskin, George Joseph Detroit Times, 1939/Officiated various athletic events for 8 decades 1917-2007 Observer/Eccentric Newspapers/Hazel Park and Detroit Race Course Publicity Director
Mattice, Floyd Julius "Jack" University of Michigan Broadcaster, 1903 1882-1970 n/a
Mayer, Frederick William University of Michigan Planner, 1968-2003 1937- A Setting for Excellence: The Story and Development of the University of Michigan-Part I & II
Maynard, George Colton Nephew of Mayor William S. Maynard 1839-1918 Curator, Smithsonian Institute, 1885-1918
Maynard, Mark Alan n/a 1968- 2002 Blog MarkMaynard.com/The Untold Story of Ypsilanti
McAllister, Norma Mae Dexter Area Museum 1919-2012 n/a
McAllister, Samuel Wilson University of Michigan Librarian, 1916-1941/Ann Arbor Public Library, 1921-1927 1890-1985 President, Michigan Library Association
McCabe, Mick n/a 1959- n/a
McCallum, George Porterfield Jr. President, Booth Newspapers, 1963-1969/Advertising Mgr.-Ann Arbor News 1902-1969 n/a
McClure, Marion Warner Mayor/Editor, Chelsea Tribune 1899-1983 n/a
McCollum, David Todd Washtenaw County Register of Deeds/Justice of the Peace 1799-1880 McCollum home at 1223 Pontiac later became the Ann Arbor Home, residence of Robert Frost and moved to Greenfield Village in 1935
McCormick, Katherine Dexter Donated $20,000 to the Washenaw County Historical Society-1967 1875-1967 n/a
McCracken, Stephen Bromley Clerk/Collector, City of Ann Arbor/Editor, Washtenaw Whig 1824-1902 Michigan and the Centennial (1876)/5 books-1874-1902
McCrady, Ellen Ruth Ann Arbor Bookbinder 1926-2008 n/a
McCrary, Marcia Carolyn President, Washtenaw Geneological Society 1943- n/a
McGuigan, Dorothy Gies n/a 1914-1982 n/a
McKinley, Clare Henry Ann Arbor News, 1920-1948 1889-1948 St. Johns News/Lansing Journal/Owosso Argus
McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham University of Michigan History Professor, 1885-1906 1861-1947 University of Chicago, 1906-1929/Managing Editor, The American Historical Review, 1901-1905
McLaughlin, Marilyn Faye Sauder Ann Arbor: A Pictorial History 1956- Archivist, University of Michigan
McLeister, Daniel P. Ann Arbor News, 1969-1976/Professional Builder Magazine, 1977-2000 1946-2020 n/a
McMillan, Archibald W. "Archie" Dexter Leader/Lawyer 1880-1952 n/a
McNitt, William Harvey & Marilyn Munsell National Archives and Records Administration, 1977-2013 1948- Bentley Library Archivists
Meade, Nelson Kay Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission 1927-2018 n/a
Meyer, Emil F. Ann Arbor Typographical Union #154 1876-1894 Printer, Ann Arbor Argus
Meyers, Charles F. Ann Arbor Register 1868-1936 Printer 
Middlesworth, Harold "Hal" Detroit Tigers Public Relations Director-20 years 1909-1984 n/a
Millard, Sidney W. Millard Press, 111 West Liberty 1863-1930 n/a
Millen, DeWitt Chauncey Ann Arbor Guide, 1920 1879-1969 n/a
Miller, Jack Carl Curator, Ypsilanti Heritage Automobile Museum 1939-2020 Mr. Hudson
Miller, Janet Ann Arbor News, 1992-2005 n/a n/a
Milliman, Doris Elsie Ypsilanti Historical Society Archivist/Writer 1904-2001 Ypsilanti Teacher/City Council
Milo, Ryan KCTS Seatle Program Director/University of Washington Communications Professor 1907-1986 UofM Grad, 1942/Instructor at Wayne State
Miner, Joel Ambrose Ann Arbor Printer/Publisher 1841-1927 n/a
Mingay, Thomas William Chelsea Herald/Register Publishing/Ann Arbor Argus 1855-1931 Flint Globe/Kalamazoo Gazette/West Durham News/Stratford Beacon
Mish, Patricia Grace (Windsor) Ann Arbor News/Grand Rapids Press/Kalamazoo Gazette 1961- Faith Catholic
Moorehouse, Henry Louis "Buddy" Editor, Livingston County Daily Press/Michigan Daily 1960- Ypsilanti High School/UofM graduate/Emmy nominated Documentary Filmmaker
Moran, Selby Albert Ann Arbor Register (1872-1899)/Principal, Stenographic Institute 1860-1942 One Hundred Valuable Suggestions to Shorthand Students (1887)
Morgan, Mary Jane Reporter, Ann Arbor News, 1996-2008/Publisher, Ann Arbor Chronicle 1960- n/a
Morrison, Roger Leroy University of Michigan Professor of Highway Engineering/Transportation 1883-1954 Ann Arbor City Council/Institute of Transportation Engineers/History and Development of Michigan Highways (1938)
Mortimer, Jeffrey Truman Ann Arbor News-17 years 1946- Learning Curves in Business, Hits, Misses, and Home Runs : 21 Stories of Ann Arbor Area Business Leaders as Told to Jeff Mortimer
Morton, Edward J. Foreman, Ann Arbor Register/Argus 1855-1892 Master of Elks Lodge #325, 1885-1887
Morton, Jonathan Gray Ypsilanti Historian/Pioneer settler in Washtenaw County 1802-1881 n/a
Morton, Julius Sterling University of Michigan Student, 1850-1854/Peninsular Quarterly and University Magazine 1832-1902 U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary, 1893-1987/Governor of Nebraska/Editor, Nebraska City News
Mowrer, Edgar Ansel Foreign Correspondent, World War I/Author 1892-1977 UofM Grad, 1913
Mull, Carol Elizabeth n/a 1952- Underground Railroad in Michigan (2015)
Mullendore, William James Ann Arbor News Reporter 1926-2001 Chelsea Standard News
Mulvaney, Minnie Ada "Dixie" Printer, Ypsilantian/Ann Arbor Courier 1864-1949 n/a
Muncy, Ralph Waldo Washtenaw County Geneological Society 1902-1992 n/a
Munyon, Edgar L. Printer 1861-1947 Kalkaska/Cadillac
Murdock, Peter Joseph Ypsilanti Mayor 1943-2019 n/a
Murray, Mary Lou Anselmi Washtenaw County Parks Commissioner 1932-2012 Ann Arbor High School English/Speech/Debate Teacher
Myrick, Harry Pierce Editor, Milwaukee Journal 1857-1916 UofM Grad, 1878
Nagler, Albert James First Detroit Red Wings Broadcaster in 1935 1910-1988 Windsor Raceway
Nanry, Gertrudge Mabel Hiscock Lest It Be Forgotten  (1987) 1902-1988 Art Teacher, Clawson HS/Principal-Stone School/Professor, Eastern Michigan University
Neilly, Wlliam Robert Printer 1911-1980 n/a
Nenadic, Susan Kemper Teacher, Saline High School 1948- Legendary Locals of Ann Arbor (2016)
Newkirk, Henry Wortley "Wirt" Ann Arbor Mayor/Judge/Michigan House of Representatives/Williamsburg Times Newspaper/Luther Enterprise 1854-1946 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1924/1934-35
Nichols, Walter Hammond and Esther Conner Superintendent, Palo Alto Schools/Teacher/Professor 1866-1935 Donated 80 acres to the University of Michigan for Nichols Arboretum in 1906
Nickels, William George & Karen Ann Knox n/a 1939-2019 President, Ypsilanti Historical Society
Nisbett, Susan Isaacs Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1975-1984 1948- Dance Critic/Dance Magazine/Ann Arbor Observer/WUOM/WVGR
Nissen, Elizabeth Ann Wall Street Journal/Newsweek/CNN/ABC News 1954- n/a
Nissly, George J. Saline Observer 1858-1902 n/a
Niyo, John Michael Ann Arbor News/Detroit News, 1995-2024 1971- n/a
Nordlinger, Jay S. Senior Editor, National Review 1963- UofM grad
Nordman, Emil A. Nordman Lake in Lima Township 1822-1890 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1889
Nuffer, William George Sheridan Books/Bookcrafters/Lithocrafters 1931-2014 n/a
O'Gorman, Kathleen (Hampton) Ann Arbor News/Detroit News, 1978-2010 1947- Chelsea Standard  
O'Neill, Joe and Karen Koykka O'Neill Construction/President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1989-1991 1933- n/a
Ohlinger, Benjamin Frank Printer, Davis-Ohlinger, 1914-1947 1867-1955 Typesetter-Ypsilanti, 1881-1887
Oliver, Arden Merle Reporter, Ann Arbor Times-News 1900-1975 Detroit News/Philadelphia Record
Oppat, Susan Lynn Ann Arbor News Reporter-27 years 1958- n/a
Osband, William Merritt and Lucy Aldrich Ypsilantian/Ypsi-Dixit column 1836-1916 n/a
Osborn, Chase Salmon Governor of Michigan/UofM Regent/Chicago Tribune/Milwaukee Journal 1860-1949 Author of 13 books relating to American History, politics and Indian lore/Saginaw Courier-Herald/Sault Ste. Marie News
Osborn, Milton Ephraim Publisher/Teacher/Principal/Printer 1860-1951 n/a
Owen, Margery M. University of Michigan Library n/a Possibly Margery Mae Arisman Owen (1903-1987)
Owen, Patrick n/a n/a President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1988-89
Owers, George Roy Ann Arbor Parks Director, 1969- 1930-2002 n/a
Owsley, Joseph H. Director, University of Michigan News Service, 1979-1993 1931-2013 n/a
Pack, Phillip Clarkson UofM Publicity Director, 1924-1940 1895-1970 Son of Ambrose Pack/100 Years of Michigan Athletics (1937)
Parker, Alonzo Daniel Ann Arbor Register 1869-1945 Kalkaskian
Parker, George Edwin Printer, Ann Arbor Argus 1866-1924 n/a
Parker, Hiram B. Publisher, Dexter Times, 1856-1860 1832-1860 n/a
Parker, James Baldwin n/a 1937-2020 Webster Township-6 books, 2008-2014
Parker, Josie Barnes Ann Arbor District Library, 2002-2022 1958- n/a
Parr, Harry E. Printer, Inland Press 1873-1949 n/a
Patrick, Van George Detroit Lions Broadcaster, 1950-1974/Detroit Tigers, 1949-1959 1916-1974 n/a
Pattison, Charles Rich Ypsilanti Commercial 1824-1908 n/a
Pearson, Alvick Alfonso Michigan Alumnus, 1894/Editor, Ann Arbor Courier 1869-1937 Journalist/Author
Pearson, Jean Hanmer Detroit News Journalist-30 Years/Aviator 1915-2010 UofM Grad/Aviation Hall of Fame
Peck, Paul Roger Landsmen of Michigan-many counties including Washtenaw, 1977-1987 1921-1995 Lieutenant Colonel-U.S. Air Force
Peckham, Howard Henry Director, Clements Library 1910-1995 The Making of the University of Michigan, 1817-1992
Pedersen, Erik J. Eastern Michigan Physical Education Instructor 1904-1995 Webster Township
Pelham, Benjamin Burnside Detroit Post/Detroit Venture/Detroit Plaindealer 1862-1948 Wayne County Accountant/Clerk/Lawyer
Person, Ella Bertha Reporter, Ann Arbor Daily Times 1885-1918 n/a
Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell University of Michigan History Professor, 1911-1929 1877-1934 Leading authority of Southern History and Slavery
Phillips, Wilfred B. Inland Printing and Register Publishing 1865-1917 n/a
Pieper, Louisa Plumb Ann Arbor Historic Preservation Coordinator, 1975-1999 1938-2018 Michigan Historic Preservation Network/Downtown Ann Arbor Historical Street Exhibit Program/Kempf Museum/Michigan Theater/Detroit Observatory
Pierce, Sophia Messylvia Monroe President, Ladies Decoration Society 1828-1893 n/a
Platt, Henry D. President, Washtenaw Mutual Ins. Co. 1834-1906 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1884/State of Michigan Oil Inspector
Pollack, James Kerr University of Michigan Political Science Professor, 1925-1968 1898-1968 n/a
Pollock, David Snyder Newspaper Reporter/University of Michigan-Supervisor of Community Svcs./Lions Club 1921-2016 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1979/Dean-Washtenaw Community College/Ann Arbor City Planning Commission
Pond, Elihu Bartlit Editor, Michigan Argus, 1854-1878/President, Michigan Press Association, 1868 1826-1898 Coldwater Sentinel-1843-1854/Ann Arbor School Board President, 1857-1877/City Council Alderman/Washtenaw County Clerk
Pool, Milton Harry Cole n/a 1926-2001 n/a
Porter, Margaret Ellen "Peg" Ypsilanti Historical Society-Several written articles 1941- n/a
Post, Hoyt Garrod $600,000 donation for Washtenaw County Parks-Hoyt G. Post Trail 1884-1958 UofM Law Grad-1907
Postema, Christina Elizabeth Cunningham Academic Book Editor, University of Michigan Press 1959-2024 Valedictorian, Ann Arbor Pioneer High School Class of 1977
Potter, Christopher Michael Theater & Film Critic, Ann Arbor News/Flint Journal 1944- n/a
Pound, Arthur Charles Atlantic Monthly/Akron Beacon Journal/Grand Rapids Press/Pontiac Gazette 1884-1966 Editor, Michigan Daily-1907/New York Herald Tribune/Evening Post/Professor of History-University of Pittsburgh
Powell, Edwin R. Michigan Argus/Ionia Gazette/Montcalm Herald/Livingston Courier 1820-1895 Ann Arbor Literary Association-1846
Power, Eugene Barnum University Microfilms, 1938 1905-1993 Power Center built in 1971 in his honor
Powers, Perry Francis Cadillac News-Express/Ypsilantian 1858-1945 Davenport, IA compositor/President-State of Michigan Board of Education
Powers, Thomas Edgerton Flint Public Library 1968-1999/Author/Book Collector 1940- Stick 'em Up: Michigan Bank Robberies of the 1920s & 1930s/Michigan State and National Parks: A Complete Guide/In the Grip of the Whirlwind: The Armistice Day Storm of 1940/Natural Michigan
Prakken, Lawrence William Prakken Publishing 1909-1987 n/a
Pray, Carl Esek Michigan State Normal School History Professor, 1913-1937 1870-1949 n/a
Preston, Nina Kate University of Michigan Library 1870-1953 n/a
Prettyman, Horace Greely Ann Arbor Press/Campus Club/Prettyman's Boarding House on North University 1857-1945 Michigan Football Star, 1882-1890-3 Time Captain/Ann Arbor City Council, 1891-1895/President, Ann Arbor Municipal League/Wolverine Power Company/White Swan Laundry/Ann Arbor Postmaster/Washtenaw County Supervisor, 1901
Proctor, Hazel Carp Peabody Sesquicentennial 1922-2013 Old Ann Arbor Town/President-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1973-74
Puscas, George Detroit Free Press, 1941-2006 1927-2008 n/a
Putnam, Daniel P. and Sarah E. Smith President, Michigan State Normal School, 1880-1883 1824-1906 16+ books including a History of Michigan State Normal School, 1849-1899/Ladies Library at Ypsilanti
Pyen, Chong Wha Ann Arbor News Reporter-31 years 1941-2017 Ypsilanti Press
Quinn, Patrick Donald WPAG, 1947-1963-Announcer/Station Manager 1924-1963 n/a
Ramsay, Olga Verdalin Ramsay Printing, 1939-1969 1901-1988 n/a
Rancont, Theodore Joseph "Ted" Ann Arbor News/St. Clair County Press Reporter 1932-2022 Communications Professor, Oakland Community College
Randall, Herbert Sampson Photographer, 1885-1917/Artist and Art Gallery 1850-1926 New Haven, Connecticut Gallery in 1894/Connecticut Historian/Wife, Anna cora Schoff passed away in 1892
Rapoport, Roger Dale Authored 20 books/B.A. Journalism UofM, 1968/Filmmaker 1946- n/a
Reade, Marjorie Tibert Dolph Dolph Park donated to Ann Arbor 1918-2010 Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor (1992)
Reilly, Genevieve Adeline Sproat Editorial Assistant, University of Michigan Catalogue 1894-1986 n/a
Reimann, Lewis Charles Founder, Fresh Air Camp/Camp Charlevoix 1890-1961 5 books Michigan Lumber History
Remington, Richard Earle First Michigan All-State Football Team, 1933 1888-1957 Mathematics Teacher, 1914-1956/Coach/Athletic Director/Sports Official/UofM Grad-1910
Rentschler, Jacob Fred Ann Arbor Photographer, 1890-1940 1868-1940 n/a
Retyi, Richard Ann Arbor Public Library Podcasts 1977- The Book of Ann Arbor (2017)
Reul, Christian J. Washtenaw News 1851-1913 n/a
Revenaugh, Samuel Blake Ann Arbor's Most Popular Photographer 1847-1894 n/a
Reynolds, Bob WJR Sports Director, 1952-1977/Detroit Lions, 1952-1982 1914-2000 n/a
Reynolds, Cynthia Furlong n/a 1953- America's History as Seen Through the Eyes of a Midwestern Village (2001)/The Purple Rose of Chelsea/Metroparks for the People (2006)/Jiffy: A Family Tradition (2008)
Reynolds, Roy T. Ann Arbor News Editorial Writer, 1960-1993 1936-2007 Ann Arbor Civil War Roundtable/Washtenaw County Historical Society
Rice, Warner Grenelle University of Michigan Library/English Dept. Chair, 1929-1969 1899-1997 n/a
Riddering, Donald Teacher, Cooley High School-30 years 1922-2010 Salem Historical Society President/Ann Arbor Historical Commission
Riskey, Earl Nelson Intramural Director, University of Michigan 1898-1976 4 wall Paddleball-1930/University of Michigan Football Charts (1967)/Sports Officiating (1949)/Sports for Recreation (1937)
Ristine, Harold George Ann Arbor News Reporter 1900-1984 n/a
Robinson, Eugene Pulitzer Prize, 2009/NBC-MSNBC Political Analyst 1954- San Francisco Chronicle/Washington Post
Rockwell, Ferdinand Almon "Tod"  Detroit Free Press, 1930-1940/Sports Final 1900-1952 Michigan Quarterback, 1923-1924/Football Coach&Athletic Director-1925-1929-West Virginia/North Dakota/Louisiana
Rogers, Michelle Renee Editor, The Chelsea Standard/Dexter Leader/Heritage Media 1968- n/a
Rogers, Thomas Charles Ann Arbor News Reporter 1945- n/a
Romaker, Robert Lawrence Ann Arbor News-27 years/1,000+ articles 1927-1998 Sylvania Sentinel/Escondido/Rapid City, SD/Saginaw Reporter/Journalist
Ronscup, Henry W. Ann Arbor Daily News 1849-1934 Wyandotte Pioneer/Union (Upper Sandusky)/Fort Wayne Daily Democrat/Toledo Commercial/Blade
Root, Burton Charles Ann Arbor Elks Historian-40 years/records dating back 125 years including 500 photos 1891-1968 Published the Elks "Antlers" Magazine in 1925
Rosenberg, Michael Detroit Free Press/Sports Illustrated 1974- Chicago Tribune/Philadelphia Inquirer/The Washingon Post/Sacramento Bee
Ross, Charles Howard University of Michigan Professor 1890-1980 Life of Dr. Tom Lovell/President-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1971-72
Ross, Robert Budd Landmarks of Detroit 1839-1918 n/a
Roth, James Henry Saline High School Social Studies Teacher 1943- Saline, Our City, from the Beginning until 2016
Rowell, Stanton Printer, Ann Arbor Courier  1866-1952 n/a
Roy, Christina Marie Coon Ann Arbor News Editorial Staff, 17 Years 1908-1941 Ann Arbor High School Optimist Staff
Rueter, Anne Wilson Ann Arbor Observer/Ann Arbor News/UofM Research News 1946-2021 Washtenaw County Park Planner
Ruger, Albert Map Artist 1829-1899 Battle  Creek artist who produced 213 city maps including Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Saline, and Chelsea in Washtenaw County
Rummell, Richard W. Artist, famout for painting college campuses across America 1848-1924 University of Michigan paintings
Ruthven, Alexander Grant UofM President, 1929-1951 1882-1974 n/a
Rutledge, David Elliott Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission 1945- n/a
Sachs, Andrea Time Magazine-29 years 1952- Oak Park
Sacks, Andrew Alan Michigan Daily Photographer/Filmmaker 1947- Detroit News/New York Times
Sallade, George Wahr Ann Arbor City Council, 1950-55/Michigan House of Representatives 1922-1997 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1951-52
Salmon, Lucy Maynard Ann Arbor HS Grad, 1871/UofM Grad, 1876 1853-1927 History Professor, Vassar College, 1889-1927
Salsinger, Henry George "Harry" Detroit News, 1909-1958-Michigan Football 1885-1958 n/a
Sampson, Erastus Sampson Drug Store 302 West Cross 1819-1905 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1893
Sanford, George Poindexter Editor/Publisher, Lansing Weekly Journal/State Democrat 1835-1894 President, State Board of Education/Lansing Board of Education/Postmaster/Michigan State Normal School (1856) and University of Michigan graduate (1861)/Civil War Lieutenant Brevet Colonel
Sarah, Richard Gordon Ernest Ann Arbor Press Proofreader 1904-1964 n/a
Saunders, James Barnaby Ann Arbor Daily Ribbon News (1879) 1844-1906 n/a
Saupe, Frances Helen Librarian, MIchigan State Normal College, 1946-1985 1917-2007 n/a
Sawyer, Franklin Jr. Editor, Detroit Courier/Advertiser/Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction  1810-1851 Editor, Michigan State Journal (1839-1850)/The Coon Hunter (1844)/New Orleans Crescent/Boston Watchman and Reflector
Schaefer, Victor Anthony University of Michigan Library 1906-1998 Notre Dame, 1952-1966
Schairer, Alfred Carl Athens Press/Mayer-Schairer 1874-1962 n/a
Schairer, Robert Aaron Ann Arbor News Reporter 1926-2003 n/a
Schefter, Adam NFL Network, 2004-/ESPN, 2009- 1966- 1989 UofM Grad/Denver Post
Schilawaske, Emil August University Lithocrafters, 1952 1888-1956 n/a
Schleede, Frederick John Ann Arbor Bookbinder 1842-1908 n/a
Schlegelmilch, Ralph Bernard "Bill" Ann Arbor News Superintendent of Stereotyping 1906-1972 n/a
Schneider, Marie A. Reporter, The Manchester Enterprise/Jackson Citizen Patriot 1913-1984 Manchester, The First Hundred Years, 1867-1967
Schoff, Savillon Story Alpha Epsilon (Chi Psi) Founder (1845)/Washtenaw Whig, 1847-1855 1822-1902 The Glory of Chicago (1873)
Schram, Harold Laverne "Hal The Swami" Lansing State Journal/Detroit Free Press, 1941-1983 1918-1987 n/a
Schuh, Jacob Fritz Washtenaw County Clerk/Hardware Store, 1861-1878 1843-1913 Chairman of the Washtenaw Democratic Party-6 years/Ann Arbor City Treasurer
Schumaker, Edward Louis President, Edwards Brothers 1871-1952 n/a
Schurtz, Shelby Brewer Beta Theata Pi at Michigan, 1845-1928/Greek Letter Fraternities, 1845-1937, at the University of Michigan 1885-1939 The First Twenty Years: The Early History of the University of Michigan/Gabriel Richard and the University of Michigan/Monograph on Dormitories at Michigan
Scott, Fred Newton n/a 1860-1930 n/a
Scripps, Edward Willis Detroit News, 1873 1854-1926 Penny Press-Cleveland/25 Newspapers
Scripps, James Edmund Detroit Tribune, 1862 1835-1906 Chicago Tribune
Seaman, Ezra Champion Attorney/Editor-Ann Arbor Journal 1805-1880 16 books, 1844-1873
Secord, William Albert Linotype Operator, Ypsilanti Record 1875-1962 n/a
Secord, William Wallace Saline Oracle, 1875 1835-1911 Michigan Mirador, 1881-1883
Seery, Alfred William Washtenaw County Register of Deeds/Ann Arbor City Council 1863-1935 n/a
Sessions, John Quincy Adams n/a 1832-1918 President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1876
Seymour, Claudius Boughton n/a 1821-1907 Early Days in Old Washtenaw County/Webster Township
Shackman, Grace Miriam Drob Ann Arbor Librarian  1943- Ann Arbor Observed (2006)/Ann Arbor in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Shane, Donald Lee WXYZ-TV Sports, 1989-2012-23 years 1952-2023 n/a
Shannon, Robert Printer, Ann Arbor Register 1842-1896 n/a
Shaw, Wilfred Byron University of Michigan Alumni Association Director, 1929-1951 1881-1959 Editor, Michigan Alumnus 1905/A Bibliography of the University of Michigan (1936)/James Burrill Angell (1918)
Sheehan, Martha Pike Donor of University of Michigan Class of 1862 Boulder 1814-1902 n/a
Shier, Carlton Seelye Music Critic/Chief Editorial Writer, Detroit Free Press, 1900-1926 1875-1957 n/a
Short, Jennifer Elisabeth Guerra Michigan Radio  1978- Ann Arbor Independent
Shrope, Edgar William Printer 1854-1906 Mishawaka Enterprise
Shy, John Willard UofM Professor, 1967-1995 1931-2022 Military Historian
Siegfried, Matthew Charles South Adams Street@1900 1972- Eastern Michigan University graduate, Historic Preservation
Simonson, William The Huge Show 1961- n/a
Simpson, Thomas Editor, The Western Emigrant-1829 1786-1853 Elixir Boga in the Treaty of Saginaw/Pontiac Newspaper-Oakland Chronicle
Sink, Charles Albert n/a 1879-1972 University Musical Society, 1904-1968
Skinner, James L.  Ann Arbor Printer/Bookbinder at 306 S. State  1859-1916 Argus Bookbindery
Slingerlend, Aloys Henry "Lad" Lansing Capital News/State Journal, 1926-1965 1900-1978 n/a
Slosson, Preston William UofM History Professor, 1921-1961 1892-1984 Authored History Textbooks
Smith, Albert Boynton Milan Leader 1859-1931 n/a
Smith, Esther Anne University of Michigan Library 1880-1953 n/a
Smith, Flora Bostwick Kolander Dexter Historical Society 1878-1945 n/a
Smith, Helen A. Ann Arbor Public Library-36 years 1866-1957 n/a
Smith, Luella May Sweet Washtenaw County Clerk, 1939-1968 1894-1990 n/a
Smith, Lyall Frederick  Detroit Free Press, 1945-1965/Detroit Lions, 1965-1980 1914-1991 Chicago Daily News, 1938-1945/President, Baseball Writers Association of America
Smith, Patricia F. n/a 1972- Vanishing Ann Arbor/Ann Arbor Beer/Downtown Ann Arbor (2014)
Smith, Shirley Wheeler UofM Vice-President/Secretary, 1897-1945 1875-1959 Harry Burns Hutchins and the University of Michigan/James Burrill Angell: An American Influence
Smithe, Geneva Josephine Daughter of George C. Smith/Secretary, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 1924-1957 1891-1968 Brief History of St. Francis of Assisi Parish (1962)/Directory of Michigan Museums (1930)
Smithe, George C. Ypsilantian, Editor/Publisher, 1885-1893 1838-1910 n/a
Spencer, Edwin Hamilton Ann Arbor News Reporter 1910-1991 n/a
Spencer, Mary Clare Wilson & Clinton Michigan State Librarian, 1893-1923 1841-1923 Clinton-Washtenaw County Register of Deeds, 1867/Ypsilanti Postmaster, 1871-1883
Spoelstra, Watson Nicholas Detroit News, 1945-1973 1910-1999 n/a
Spokes, Elizabeth Monroe Burton n/a 1903-1972 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1947-48
Sproull, Seibert Sheldon Ann Arbor Parks Director,    1913-1990 n/a
Squires, Arleigh and Martha n/a 1897-1994 Ancient and Modern Milan, 1830-1976
Stace, Arthur William Editor, Ann Arbor News, 1927-1950 1875-1950 Newspaper Career, 1897-1950-Grand Rapids Press
Staebler, Donald G. n/a 1910-2017 Staebler County Farm Park-98 acres donated in 2001
Stair, Edward Douglas Owner, Detroit Free Press 1859-1951 Livingston Republican
Stamelos, Ellen Anne Bird University of Michigan School of Music (1963) 1941-2016 Professor of Music/Librarian/significant contributor to Geneological Society of Washtenaw County
Stanger, Egbert "Eck" Nathanael Photographer, Ann Arbor News, 1933-1974 1908-1976 n/a
Stapler, Harry Bascom Detroit News Sports Reporter/Ferris State/University of Florida 1919-1987 n/a
Staples, Mary Jo Ann Arbor News Reporter 1949- n/a
Starkey, Jennie O. Detroit News City Editor, 1878 1859-1918 President, Michigan Women's Press Club, 1894/Michigan Authors Association
Starkweather, Mary Ann Newberry n/a 1819-1897 Donated home at 130 N. Huron St. in 1890 for the Ladies Library Association
Stauch, George Peter Ann Arbor Printing Company 1851-1941 n/a
Steere, Elizabeth Beal Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1884-1976 n/a
Stegath, Willam Bruce Broadcaster, WUOM/UofM Football Announcer, 1953-1963 1920-2017 UofM Alummi Association
Steinberg, Stephanie Elizabeth Detroit Writing Room 1990- In The Name Of Editorial Freedom: 125 Years at The Michigan Daily
Steneck, Nicholas & Margaret Professors, University of Michigan 1940- The Making of the University of Michigan, 1817-1992
Stephenson, Orlando Worth UofM Professor, 1925-1954 1884-1978 Ann Arbor, the First One Hundred Years (1927)
Stevens, Wystan Auden City of Ann Arbor Historian 1943-2015 Northfield Harvest (1999)/President-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1984-85
Stevenson, David Crawford (Bob) Printer, Inland Press/Detroit Free Press 1852-1924 n/a
Stevenson, Guy W. Printer, Ann Arbor Argus/Times/Observer, 1881-1898 1865-1898 n/a
Stewart, Rolland Clifford University of Michigan Library 1907-1995 n/a
Stewart, William L. Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1898-2001 1966-2017 AnnArbor.com, 2009-2013/Rubber Soul Records
Stickney, Warren B. Publisher 1837-1898 n/a
Stimpson, Glen King Ann Arbor News/Chelsea Standard/Lansing State Journal/New York Times/Detroit Journal/Detroit Free Press 1872-1943 Parma Advertiser-News/Lafayette Journal Courier/Phoenix Republican
Stivers, Frank Adams Ann Arbor City Attorney 1868-1946 n/a
Stofflet, Francis Ann Arbor Times and Advertiser, 1870s 1841-1912 Stofflet Block
Stollstimer, Terry C. n/a 1951- Washtenaw County Relatives/A History of German Settlers in Washtenaw County, 1830-1930
Stoner, Claude Thomas n/a 1899-1977 Collection of 3600 railroad photos in Michigan
Storer, George Butler Jr. WJBK-1948 Founder/Storer Communications 1925-2007 n/a
Storey, Wilbur Fisk Detroit Free Press, 1853/Jackson Citizen Patriot 1819-1884 Chicago Times, 1861
Storm, Colton University of Michigan Library 1908-1988 n/a
Stowe, Leland University of Michigan Journalism Professor, 1956-1969 1899-1994 New York Herald Tribune/Chicago Daily News/Reader's Digest
Strong, Francis Marion  Printer 1836-1890 n/a
Strother, Shelby Kash Detroit News Sports Reporter, 1985-1991 1946-1991 n/a
Stubbs, Jack Robert Photographer, Ann Arbor News 1936-2022 n/a
Sturgis, Samuel Paine Photographer, 1962- 1922-2012 n/a
Swain, George Robert UofM Photographer, 1913-1947 1866-1947 n/a
Sweet, Hiram Abraham Ann Arbor Register/Courier/Daily Times-retired in 1915 1846-1930 Co-Editor, Elkhart Review/South Bend Daily Tribune/Cheboygan Democrat/Sturgis Times/President, Pioneer Society of Washtenaw County, 1906-12-16
Szady, Sheryl Marie n/a 1952- History of Women's Athletics at the University of Michigan (1987)
Talbert, Robert Beveridge Detroit Free Press Columnist-31 years 1936-1999 n/a
Tanner, Gustave Adolph Toledo Evening News/Rochester Times/Ann Arbor Daily News 1860-1936 President, Cumberland Hotel-New York
Tappan, John Livingston University of Michigan Librarian, 1856-1863 1831-1872 n/a
Tapping, Theodore Hawley University of Michigan Alumni Association, 1923-1958 1889-1969 n/a
Tasch, Lalah Elsia Huehl University of Michigan Library 1900-1974 n/a
Taylor, Alrutheus Ambush Professor, Tuskegee Institute-History 1893-1955 1916 UofM Grad who became a Historical Revisionist, 1924-1941, writing several historical books about negroes during reconstruction in South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, etc.
Taylor, David Carleton  High School Guidance Counselor, 1993-2010/President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 2022-2023 1952- Legends of Michigan: Cliff Keen (2013)/Timeline of Ann Arbor & Washtenaw County History(2016)-1820 pages/3700+ photos/2,577+ Facebook Historical Posts, 2013-2025 with over 37,732 pics/Ann Arbor School History-91 pages/Ann Arbor High School and University of Michigan Football Histories-199 pages/Washtenaw County Historian Hall of Fame-702+ Members
Taylor, Seymour Howell  Architect/President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1953 1886-1957 n/a
Teabolt, Elizabeth Rawson n/a 1878-1972 The Naming of Ypsilanti Streets
Tefft, Bess Margaret Hagaman Saline Area Schools, School Board, 1956-1965-President, 1960-1965 1915-1977 President, Ann Arbor Writers Club/Editor, Washtenaw County Farm Bureau-25 years/Author-several books/International Hospitality Program-University of Michigan
Tefft, David Henry Assistant Sports Editor, Ann Arbor News 1916-1974 n/a
Ten Brook, Andrew S. Metaphysics Professor, UofM, 1844-1877 1814-1899 University of Michigan's Librarian, 1864-1877/Our German Immigrants.American States Universities: Their Origin and Progress (1875)/Editor, Baptist Religious Journal/The Story of Our City and Its Schools with a Survey of the Settlement and School System of the West (1895)
Terry, Isaac K. n/a 1824-1907 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1894
Tetens, Robert Louis Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Director, 2001-2017 1952- Chelsea
Thomas, Edith M.  University of Michigan Library 1873-1948 Author, A Library List for High Schools/A List of Selected Books for Secondary School Libraries/What To Read/A Buying Guide for Elementary School Libraries, 1927-1942
Thompson, John I. Washtenaw County Clerk 1832-1914 n/a
Thompson, John Orren Dexter Leader 1862-1933 Alpena Pioneer/Mount Clemens Press
Thomson, Mortimer Neal "Doesticks" American Journalist/Humorist-grew up in Ann Arbor 1831-1875 Q.K. Philander Doesticks/New York Tribune-1855
Throneberry, Dale Edward Veterans Radio/Washtenaw Community College Instructor 1946- Producer-I Remember When-1974
Tinder, David Van Vorhis Photography Collection, 100,000+ Clements Library 1926-2016 Tinder Collection of Photographers in Michigan
Tirico, Michael Todd ESPN/ABC/NBC 1966- Resided in Ann Arbor since 1999
Tobin, James Edward Professor, Miami-University-History 1956- 5 Books+Many online articles on University of Michigan History
Tollefson, Horace Arthur University of Michigan Library 1914-1966 n/a
Townsend, Delos n/a 1851-1920 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1913
Treml, William Bernard Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1957-1996 1925-2013 n/a
Trendle, George Washington Detroit Attorney-WXYZ/The Lone Ranger-1933 1884-1972 Motown Miser/President-Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority
Tripp, Jan Elwin Washtenaw County Geneological Society 1948-2019 n/a
Trost, James Stewart A2 Insight 1963- n/a
Trost, Theodore Louis Jr. I Remember When-1974-7 part historical videos 1930-1987 n/a
Trout, Paul Howard "Dizzy" Detroit Tigers Broadcaster, 1953-1955/Player, 1939-1952 1915-1972 n/a
Truettner, Julia Miriam Aspirations for Excellence 1954- n/a
Tuite, Peter Register of Deeds/County Clerk 1827-1879 Wholesale Liquor Dealer and Grocer at 10 East Huron with Edward Duffy
Tunison, Heidi Fenton The Grand Rapids Press/Muskegon Chronicle/Jackson Citizen Patriot/Ann Arbor News 1988-2023 n/a
Tyler, Moses Coit University of Michigan Professor, 1852/1867-1873 1835-1900 First Professor of American History in the U.S./The University of Michigan (1876)
Tyson, Edwin Lloyd "Ty" Broadcast first Michigan Football game in 1924, WWJ Radio 1888-1968 Broadcast Michigan Football/Detroit Tigersf/Detroit Lions games, 1924-1953
Ufer, Robert Pormann University of Michigan Broadcaster, 1945-1981 1920-1981 n/a
Ulaby, Neda Elizabeth National Public Radio 1970- Ann Arbor Community HS
Underwood, Margaret Hanselman Librarian, University of Michigan 1902-2004 The Roads of Northeast Ann Arbor (1989)
Uveling, Ralph Adrian Librarian, Detroit Public Library, 1934-1967 1902-1980 n/a
Van Alsyin, Robert Daniel Ann Arbor Times News.   1875-1929 Niagra Falls Journal/Mansfield News/St. Joseph Gazette
Van Der Werker, Nettie Idell Ferris Schepler n/a 1869-1953 History of Earliest Ann Arbor (1919)
Van Fossen, John General/Quartermaster-War of 1812/Publisher-Ypsilanti Sentinel (1843) 1788-1858 n/a
Van Tyne, Claude Halsted University of Michigan History Professor, 1903-1930 1869-1930 n/a
Vance, Joseph Hardcastle Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1827-1900 n/a
Vance, Kenneth University of Michigan Library, 1950-1982 1917-1993 n/a
Vandervelde, Lewis George University of Michigan Director of Historical Collections, 1928-1961 1890-1975 Michigan Historical Commission, 1951-1974/President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1939-1941
Vestal, Marion Scott "Bud" Booth Newspapers-19 years/Grand Rapids Herald 1920-1976 Gerald Ford Biographer
Vigmostad, Sheryl Teresa James Detroit Free Press/St. Petersburg Times/Greensboro News and Record 1951- Pulitzer Prize Winner/EMU Grad-1973/University of Michigan School of Information Public Relations
Vuolo, Arthur Richard University of Michigan Football Media Collector 1945- n/a
Wagman, Frederick H. University of Michigan Library, 1953-1982 1912-1994 n/a
Wahr, George John Book Store Owner and Printer, started store on North Main in 1883 1861-1945 n/a
Waldmeir, Peter N. Detroit News, 1961-2004 1931-2024 n/a
Wall, Carroll Edward Patriots and Pioneers: Civil War Soldiers from Pittsfield Township 1942- Emerging from the Wilderness: Formation and First Settlement of Pittsfield Township
Wallace, John W. Ypsilanti Republican, 1838 n/a Possibly (1824-1899) from England, moved to Chelsea
Wallace, Myron Leon "Mike" 60 Minutes 1918-2012 UofM grad
Walters, Pauline Virginia n/a 1928-2014 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1991-93, 1999-2004
Walton, Genevieve M. Librarian, Michigan State Normal College, 1892-1932 1857-1932 n/a
Ware, Charles Edward President, Ann Arbor Times 1850-1913 Printing House, St. Louis
Warner, Robert Maurice UofM Bentley Library Archivist/History of the Bentley Library 1927-2007 Sixth Archivist of the United States
Warren, Andrew Jackson Saline Observer, 1880-1937 1856-1937 n/a
Warren, Robert Lyon Editor, Ann Arbor Daily Times 1842-1916 1866 UofM grad/Bay City Journal-1869/Saginaw/Lawrence/Decatur/Albion/Charlotte/State Representative
Waters, Arthur James Manchester Banker 1860-1937 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1910
Watson, James Craig Published several astronomy articles/Ann Arbor Printing & Publishing/President-Ann Arbor Register 1838-1880 UofM Grad (1857)/Detroit Observatory, 1859-1879
Watson, Susan UofM Grad, 1965/Detroit Free Press-30 years 1943-2020 Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame/Michigan Women's Hall of Fame
Watts, Caroline Louise "Carrie" Ann Arbor Librarian-27 years 1858-1940 Washtenaw County Historical Society
Watts, William Walter Printer, Jeweler, and Watchmaker 1862-1932 Sons, Joseph C. and Benjamin Franklin Watts
Wead, Mary Eunice University of Michigan Library, 1926-1944 1881-1969 Smith College Librarian/Curator, 1906-1924
Weddige, Emil Albert University of Michigan Art Professor-38 years 1907-2001 Michigan State Normal College graduate/Printmaking and Lithograph Restoration expert
Wedemeyer, William Walter President, Ann Arbor City News 1873-1913 U.S. Congressman
Weinberg, Gerhard Ludwig University of Michigan History Professor, 1959-1974 1928- Several dozen books and articles on miltary history and Germany
Wells, Jonathan Daniel University of Michigan Professor-AfroAmerican Studies/History 1969- n/a
Westin, David Lawrence President, ABC News 1952- Exit Interview (2012)
Wethersby, William Henry Ambassador to Sudan/Vice-President-Princeton University 1914-2001 Associated Press, Editor and Sports Writer/Hattiesburg American/Times-Picayune-New Orleans/United States Information Agency
Wheat, James Clements University of Michigan Library 1889-1958 n/a
White, Andrew Dickson UofM Professor, 1858-1863/President, Cornell University 1832-1918 First President of the American Historial Association/Ambassador to Germany/Russia
White, Darwin E. Ann Arbor Photographer, 1898-1945 1872-1951 n/a
White, Louis Stafford Ypsilanti Historical Society Archivist/Writer 1887-1963 n/a
White, Murray S. Woodworker 1848-1931 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1920-21
Whitesell, Patricia Sue UofM, Detroit Observatory Director 1950-2006 A Creation of its own: Tappan's Detroit Observatory (1998)
Whitlock, Jason Ann Arbor News Reporter 1967- Kansas City Star/ESPN/FoxSports/AOL/Blaze Media
Whitney, Allen Sisson Education at the University of Michigan: History, Present Status and Pressing Needs (1916) 1857-1944 n/a
Whittemore, Harlon Olin University of Michigan Arboretum Director 1889-1986 UofM Professor, 1914-1959/Huron-Metro Park System
Wickliffe, Letty Minerva Teacher-40 years 1902-2001 n/a
Wickwire, James H. Publisher, Dexter/Portland/Tekonsha/Homer/Lawton/Homer 1836-1910 n/a
Wild, Helen H. Librarian, University of Michigan 1900-1998 n/a
Wilhelme, Francis C. "Frank" Executive Director/Trustee-Historical Society of Michigan 1944- Former Dexter High School Social Studies Teacher
Wilkin, John Price Founder, Hathitrust 1956- UofM, 2003-2013
Wilkinson, Archie Winans Chelsea Standard/Ann Arbor News 1865-1956 Lawyer/Vice-President, Chelsea Elevator
Williams, Brian University of Michigan Bentley Library Archivist 1964- n/a
Williams, David Park Cobblestone Farm Country Dancers, 1977-91/History of Cobblestone Farm/Kempf Museum 1924-2010 Lincoln Consolidated Schools-25 years
Williams, Gardner Stewart Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, 1887 1866-1931 Huron River Maps, 1905-1911/Consulting Engineer, 1895-1931/Detroit Edison/Argo-Barton-Geddes-Superior-French Landing-Rawsonville Dams
Williams, Jeremiah Day Webster Township Postmaster/Supervisor/Clerk/Justice of the Peace 1815-1895 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1886/Elected to Michigan State Legislature, 1854
Williams, Karl Edward and Kay Superior Township Roads/Schools History 1940- n/a
Willis, Beverly Washtenaw County Historical Society Administrator 1955- Ann Arbor Historic Commission
Willis, Edgar E. University of Michigan Speech Professor, 1952-1984 1913-2014 n/a
Wilson, Galen R. Senior Records Analyst, National Archives/Clements Library, 1982-88 1956- President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1985-87
Wilson, Gene Bruce Librarian, Ann Arbor, 1977-1983 1923-2014 n/a
Wilson, H. Rebecca Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1894-1967 n/a
Wilson, Robert Alexander President, Braun-Brumfield 1933-2020 n/a
Wilson, Simeon Robert "Sim" Saline Observer 1874-1954 Hunt & Bridgman-Jackson
Wiltsie, Arthur John President, Ann Arbor Press 1892-1951 n/a
Winborn, Omer Jean Dixon President, Fred Hart Williams Geneological Society 1950- Ypsilanti Lincoln Teacher/Food Service Director
Wineberg, Susan Cee Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1986-2025/President, 1995-99 1944- Historic Ann Arbor, an Architectural Guide (2014)/Lost Ann Arbor/Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor (1992)
Wines, Charles H. n/a 1823-1893 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1879
Wines, Levi Douglas Ann Arbor High School Teacher-50 years/Parks Commissioner-33 years 1852-1938 President, Washtenaw County Historical Society, 1934
Wing, Anne Marie Hinshaw Editor, American Encyclopedia of Quaker Geneology 1901-1988 Design in the Highway Landscape (1937)/200 articles in the Ann Arbor News, 1958-1964/Anne & Leonard Wing Preserve-130 acres in Superior Township (1982)
Wing, James Willis n/a 1820-1908 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1885
Winslow, George H. n/a 1851-1931 President, Pioneer Historical Society of Washtenaw County, 1919
Wire, James Blaine Linotype Operator 1883-1973 n/a
Wismer, Harry Milton WJR Sports Director, 1936/NFL Owner 1913-1967 n/a
Witherby, George Clark Printer, Andrews & Witherby 1856-1917 Eau Clair, WI
Witherell, Benjamin Franklin Hawkins Historiographer-Detroit/President-State Historical Society 1797-1867 UofM Regent, 1848-1852/Michigan Supreme Court
Wojnowski, Robert Joseph Detroit News Reporter, 1989-2023/AA News, 1983 1961- UofM Grad, 1983/grew up in Ann Arbor
Wolf, Frederick W. WXYZ Broadcaster, 1945-1965 1910-2000 n/a
Wood, George W. Ann Arbor State Journal-1834/Michigan Whig 1808-1871 Mayor of Fort Wayne, Indiana/Fort Wayne Sentinel
Wood, John Rowley Publisher, Michigan Railway Guide 1848-1936 n/a
Woodard, Gertrude Elstner Librarian, University of Michigan Law Library 1870-1966 n/a
Woodford, John Niles Executive Editor-Michigan Today, 1985-2004 1941- Chicago Sun Times/New York Times
Woodruff, Charles Editor, Ypsilanti Sentinel, 1844-1896 1816-1896 n/a
Woodruff, Lee Mackie Jr. University of Michigan Television Center 1926-1978 President, Ann Arbor Town Club/Ann Arbor Ecology Center/Golden Gloves Boxing Champion/Yachtsman/Hopwood Award Winner
Woodruff, Lee Mackie Sr. Ann Arbor News/Editor, Grand Rapids Press, 1934-1966 1899-1977 n/a
Woodruff, Robert Warren UofM Law School Grad, 1987/Co-Anchor, ABC World News Tonight 1961- n/a
Woods, John Augustus Jr. Ann Arbor News Reporter, 1986-1998 1963- n/a
Woods, Ronald Emeritus Professor, Eastern Michigan University, 1976-2019 1947- n/a
Wright, Larry Eramus Photographer, Ann Arbor News-32 years 1953- Ann Arbor High School grad
Wright, Robin B. Ann Arbor News/Michigan Daily Reporter 1948- Journalist/Middle East Expert/The New Yorker
Wurster, Nina Belle n/a 1892-1967 History of Chelsea, 1850-1901 (1945)
Wyllie, Cleland Barr Owosso Argus Press/Durand Express/Lexington Group-Railroad Historians 1906-1979 University of Michigan Media Director, 1942-1971/Board of Intercollegiate Athletics
Yates, Peter Geoffrey Ann Arbor Observer Photographer, 26,000 images 1941- Newsweek/New York Times/Business Week
Yee, Sandra Gayle Brown Eastern Michigan University Librarian 1949- Wayne State/Western Michigan/Muskegon CC
Young, Lee Jarvis Mayor of Ann Arbor, 1941-1945 1883-1960 University of Michigan Forestry Professor, 1911-1920
Zaret, Elias Abraham WDIV-TV, 1980/WJZZ/WABX/WRIF/WJBK-TV 1950- Detroit Pistons/UofM Grad-1972
Ziegler, Alice Eva Brinkman UofM Journalism graduate/Ann Arbor News-5 years 1927-1999 Editor, Impressions-Washtenaw County Historical Society, 24 years/Historical Preservationist of the Year, 1994
Ziesler, Karl Fett Editor, Monroe Evening News/UofM Journalism Professor/Author 1903-1972 n/a
Zimmer, Larry William WAAM Sports Director, 1966-1971/University of Colorado/Denver Broncos Broadcaster 1935-2024 n/a
Zimmerman, Nancy Katherine Watkins Osius Reporter, Ann Arbor News 1931- n/a
Zolkosky, Billie Melville Archivist, Ypsilanti Historical Society 1918-2014 Billie's Suprette/Heritage Fellow Award