In 1998, there are reported to be approximately 90,000 school guidance counselors working in America with a typical ratio of 517 students to one counselor; the American School Counselor Association recommends a ratio of no more than 250:1.2010 Counseling to Student Ratios by State (Michigan 643:1)
PHYSICAL DEMANDS: 1. Possess strength and stamina to be able to remain in a seated position for up for up to 90 minutes at a time throughout the work day with a minimum of fatigue or discomfort. 2. Possess visual acuity and stamina to work at a computer for at least part of each day with a minimum of fatigue or discomfort. 3. Possess strength and stamina to be able to remain in a standing position for up to 90 minutes at a time throughout the work day with a minimum of fatigue or discomfort. 4. Possess sufficient strength to lift objects that weigh at least 50 pounds and move them more than 50 feet.