Livelihood- People work to provide themselves and their families with the basic essentials or life--food, clothing and shelter. Once these basic essentials are met, other needs and wants become important.
Human relationships- People basically like companionship. People seek companionship with persons who have interests similar to their own. Working is a means of associating with people who have similar interests. Being part of a group gives people a feeling of belonging. Your work can provide companionship and associations with other persons.
Personal Development- A persons work can provide and opportunity to learn and grow intellectually and socially. It is a means of attaining new goals in life by developing new skills and learning new things. Work allows people to reach their fullest potential. Your work can grow and reach your potential.
Job Satifaction-Since most or your adult waking life will be spent working, it is important to choose and occupation that will bring job satisfaction. You, as well as your family will be happier if the occupation you choose is satisfying.
Service- Service may be defined as the things which a person does which are benificial or useful to others. People like to make quality products, provide useful services and in general, make a contribution to society. In addition, people like to feel that the work they do is important and of value to others. Your work can be a service to others.
Security- People look for security in their occupations. We need to know that when tomorrow comes, there will be work for us so that money may be earned. People want stability in their lives in order to make realistic and effective plans for the future. Your work can provide you with this security.
Success- All ambitious young people are interested in securing a beginning job that offers an opportunity for advancement. employers are interested in employing persons who like a challenge and who want to be successful in life. Your work can give you success.
Happiness-Last, but not least, is happiness with one's work. Thomas Edison, the great inventor, was once encouraged by his wife to take a vacation. He responded by stating that he "couldn't think of anything he would rather do that work in his laboratory." Most people who choose their occupations wisely, thoroughly enjoy their work. This contributes ot their overall happiness.

Careers Online
Will to Work
Job Satisfaction
Compensation References
Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For
Stress at Work
Job Survival
E-Hows: Job Survival
New Teacher Survival Guide
Job Loss Survival Guide
Slacking at Work

1. Choose an occupation because you like the work, not solely because of the rewards in money or prestige.
2. Choose an occupation that will use the abilities you possess.
3. Choose an occupation in which there is likely to be an active demand for workers when you are ready to go to work.
4. Do not choose an occupation just because a friend or someone else you admire chose it.
5. Avoid occupations that require abilities you do not have.
6. Do not confuse interest and ability.
7. Before making a final choice of occupation, find out what are all the things you might have to do in it. Find out which of these will take most of your time.
8. Do not expect to find a job in which you will never have to do anything you dislike.
9. Beware of biased information from recruiters and other sources.
10. Take all the advice that is offered, then act on your own judgment.
11. Do not stay permanently in a job in which you dislike most or the things you have to do.
12. Remember Robert Louis Stevenson's cousel, "To know what you prefer, instead of humbly saying 'Amen' to what the world tells you you ought ot prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.

Self-Awareness + Career Awareness=CAREER DECISION MAKING
1. abilities 2. personal values 3. work values 4. interests 5. personality traits 6. aptitude and skills 7. lifestyle preferences

1. Punctuality/good attendance/promptness/dependability/reliability/maintaining good health-mental/physical.
2. Being neat, clean in appearance/making a good impression.
3. Getting along with others/working as a team member.
4. Knowing what is expected/loyalty to organization/following instructions/working without close supervision.
5. Adjusting to work situations, changes/working under pressure.
6. Giving an honest day's work/making independent-interdependent decisions/being ethical/moral/having a sense of integrity.
7. Managing time and materials effectively: knowing how to use materials/equipment/workplace operating procedures.
8. Utilizing basic speaking, writing, arithmetic skills.
9. Locating information/knowing where things are.
10. Following safety regulations/procedures.
11. Using initiative/imagination/creativity.
12. Constantly improving/getting specialized training/furthering your education/knowing your strengths and weaknesses.