If you are a teacher seeking employment in Michigan, you may want to consider access to the Educational Job Search in Michigan that has been created here. Here is how it works:
Please e-mail the following to davetgc@yahoo.com to access the Educational Job Search in Michigan

- Your current geographic location and the distance and/or radius that you are willing to consider prospective educational employment opportunities in Michigan (anywhere in Michigan or specific area)
- Your certification area and/or educational area(s) of pursuit (i.e. elementary, secondary, English, mathematics, social studies, science, art, music, social worker, speech therapist, librarian, nurse, occupational therapist, physical therapist, special education, cognitively impaired, autistically impaired, speech & language impaired, hearing impaired, etc.)
- A sample resume and cover letter that you are currently utilizing in pursuit of these prospective educational employment opportunities in Michigan if currently available
- Please send $39.99 to davetgc@yahoo.com, to pay by PayPal, go to your Pay-Pal Account at www.paypal.com. Click the "Send Money" tab. Choose "send money online" and enter the requested information. Enter $39.99 and send to: davetgc@yahoo.com If you do not have a PayPal account, you may send a check to my home address, please e-mail for it if interested in this service. The service is approximately 44 cents a day for the 90 day subscription.

- you will be sent educational opportunities in the area(s) of certification and geographic preference that you are seeking for 3 months and you’ll have access to the Michigan Educational Job Search Job Summary password protected pages that are updated weekly
- Please send me status updates on jobs applied for, interviews, employment offers, etc. as we work together towards our mutual goal of helping you to secure educational employment in Michigan
- At the end of 3 months, if you have not yet secured employment, please consider renewing your subscription to access these services as you continue to pursue educational employment in Michigan
- This service has helped numerous people to increase awareness of employment opportunities, interviews and/or several subscribers have reported securing educational employment in Michigan

- Teacher Layoffs Easing in Metro Detroit
- Teacher Job Satisfaction Drops as Layoffs Rise; Teacher Morale at lowest point in 20 years
- Ann Arbor Area to add 11,000 Jobs in next 3 years
- 50% of all new college graduates are unemployed or underemployed
- Are Cyber Schools the "Wave of the Future" for education in Michigan
Why Michigan Can't Fill It's 76,000 Job Openings
Class Size Limits in Detroit are now 61 Students in Grades 6-12
Gallup Poll: Confidence in Public Education at an All-Time Low
10 Best Interview Questions to Ask

Education Gap between Rich and Poor Grows (College is Increasingly Out of Reach for Poor)
Half of Unemployed Adults Aged 25-54 Spent Half of Last Year Looking for Work
Michigan's Underemployment Rate tied with 4 other states for highest in the USA
Teaching Jobs Not as Scarce as We've Been Led to Think

Michigan Teachers Continue to Leave Michigan
50 Districts Report Deficit, 22 are over $1 million in Debt
Secretary of Education Duncan Says Minimum Teacher Salary Should Be $60,000, and Range to $150,000

K-12 Elementary and Secondary: Over 40,000+ Jobs Posted Nationally each year in 2011 & 2012 (30,000 in 2010)
Top Educational Job Summary Sites
Southern, Eastern and Mid-Michigan
Western and Northern Michigan
Coaching Positions
It is important to know about the educational environment as you conduct your job search, here are some links that may assist you:

Layoffs, Retirements and School Closings in Michigan
Michigan Education Issues

Top Public Schools in Michigan
Blue Ribbon Schools in Michigan (1982-2009)
Educational Salary Comparisons
Contract Settlement Figures
Critical List-Michigan Education Association