CED 504 Introduction to School Counseling
History and philosophy of school counseling programs. Role and function of school counselors K-12.
Textbook: Counseling in Schools: Essential Services and Comprehensive Programs (4th edition), John J. Schmidt, Allyn & Bacon; July, 10, 2002, ISBN: 0205340563

Instructor: Dave Taylor, N.C.C. DAVETGC@yahoo.com or taylo4dc@cmich.edu, (734)433-1694(home)/717-1381 (cell)

Course Reference Number: 22008301

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Define the basic philosophical aspects of K-12 school counseling in the context of the American educational system. (C, LEA and R)

2. Identify basic counseling concepts, strategies and techniques suitable to K-12 counseling programs. (Position Paper) (C, LEA and R)

3. Review basic vocational development theories. (C, R)

4. Formulate for peer review, a Position Paper on one's knowledge and philosophy of guidance and counseling and how these will be applied in a school setting. (LEA, R)

5. Examine learning styles of K-12 school students (Learning Style-Multiple Intelligences activity). (C, LEA and R)

6. Distinguish the historical, environmental, cultural, legal and current issues which influence today's educational climate. (C, R)

7. Identify basic ingredients of Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Programs. (Position Paper) (C, R)

8. Identify suitable approaches of cooperative learning when implementing Comprehensive Developmental Programs. (Position Paper) (C, LEA and R)

9. Formulate legal and ethical positions relevant to school guidance work. (Position Paper) (C, R)

10. Identify a variety of assessment and goal setting strategies used with K-12 student populations (EXPLORE-PLAN-ACT World of Work activity). (C, R)

C=Concept and Knowledge Driven; LEA=Learner-Centered; R=Reflective Practice relevant to Diverse Settings and Roles

Course Outline:

Prior class experience: Strong Interest Inventory--Career Cruising--True Colors

January 19-Friday 6-10 p.m. 3 Question exercise, Presentation of Course Objectives, Outline of Course, Student Evaluation/Discussion of Role of School Guidance Counselor, History of School Counseling (15 minute break), Michigan Comprehensive Guidance Program: 4 Components (MCGCP Leap Ahead Kit), 12 Competencies and implications of No Child Left Behind including new State of Michigan K-12 curriculum including high school course requirements and outcomes by grade level.

January 20-Saturday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Discussion of Student Records (CA-60)-Implications on the role of the school counselor--Quiz on Michigan Comprehensive Guidance Program-20 points/Grade Quiz and Discussion (Break-15 minutes) Student Appraisal/Test interpretation activity using EXPLORE-PLAN-ACT (90 question UNIACT interest inventory) and Holland's World-of-Work Group Work-5 groups of 5 students-Lunch 12 noon-1:00 p.m. on your own--Finish World of Work Activity/Assessment activity--Learning Style identification using Multiple Intelligences and discussion of 8 intelligence styles and the implications to school counseling. Asset-Building Program and assessment discussion, Introduction to Study Skills Assessment and Work Habits. Discussion of School Counselor Interview assignment due on February 2.

February 2-Friday 6-10 p.m. Test on textbook readings (open textbook-only your own textbook and open note-only your own notes, no use of other's notes) and History of School Counseling; grade exam and review test-discussion of answers and implications for school counseling. (Break-15 minutes)School Counselor Interview Paper Due. Discussion of assignment-insights.

February 3-Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Finish discussion of School Counselor Interviews. (Lunch 12 noon-1:00 p.m. on your own) Group Activity: 5 most important qualities and/or characteristics of a School Counselor, 3 biggest demands of each major stakeholder: Student, Parent, Staff, Administration and Community. ACT Summary Report (assessment) with 189 question inventory when students apply for ACT. Discussion of college application process and counselor recommendations, student Portfolios, academic advising in the counselor role, etc. Reporting for Children's Protective Services (abuse/neglect), Power&Control Wheel (role in violence/domestic violence/harassment/neglect/abuse), etc. (Break-15 minutes), Discussion of Position Paper assignment/Rubric. Reseach time for paper 4-5 p.m.

February 16-Friday 6-10 p.m. Presentation of Position Paper (15 minute break-8:00-8:15 p.m.)
6:15 p.m B., Mandy 8:15 p.m. W., Minnie
6:30 p.m. A., John 8:30 p.m. D., Paul
6:45 p.m. S., Gayle 8:45 p.m. P., Francine
7:00 p.m. S., Andy 9:00 p.m. S., Nicole
7:15 p.m. C., Melissa 9:15 p.m. C., Cristy
7:30 p.m. H., Carol 9:30 p.m. F., Amy
7:45 p.m. G., Liz 9:45 p.m. C., Michael

February 17-Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Presentation of Position Papers. (Lunch 12 noon-1:00 p.m. on your own)

10:00 a.m H., Angie
10:15 a.m. W., Angela
10:30 a.m. A., Chuck
10:45 a.m W., Barbara
11:00 a.m. C., Tanesha
11:15 a.m. H., Shanna
11:30 a.m. H., LaSheenya
11:45 a.m. W., Marissa

1:00 p.m._M., Russ___________1:15 p.m. __V., Jim_________

Closure of class-were your questions answered?-what was the most important and/or valuable thing(s) learned? Why you should consider becoming a school counselor (emphasis on pay, retirement, job security issues, etc.)? Happiness Time did not allow for scholarships/financial aid, dual enrollment, AP&CLEP opportunities, Virtual classes, NCAA Clearinghouse. Work Values/Employability Skills/Why people Work, Employing Teens in Michigan, Vocational Developmental Theories, etc.

Course Evaluation:

1. Thoughtful class participation individually and in groups; attendance in a three weekend class (36 hours=9 sessions of 4 hours each) is critical; the work is the same as a 16 week semester class. Participation=80 points 26.66% of grade

2. Class preparation through assigned projects, textbook readings, paper presentations and reflective thinking.

3. Prepare and deliver assigned oral and written presentation on due date/time.

4. School Counselor Interview (50 points)

Interview a K-12 public, private or charter school guidance counselor and write a 5 page paper summarizing the following:
*Identification of the school guidance counselor--summarize the basics like how many years this person has been a school counselor, educational and work experience background, what led them to become a school counselor, etc.
*Perceived Strengths/Challenges--Ask about and summarize the school guidance counselor's strengths versus weaknesses as a school counselor; how is the school counselor addressing these issues through professional development?
*Educational Philosophies--Ask about the school guidance counselor's personal and/or professional philosophies and how they impact their role as a school guidance counselor and what this person predicts for the future of school counseling in Michigan.
*Comprehensive Guidance Program--Is the school guidance counselor using/implementing comprehensive guidance program? If so, how is implementation of the program going? (i.e. strengths/weaknesses of the program) If not,
why not? What types of assessments helped to develop the program? Does the school counselor utilize a brochure highlighting the Comprehensive Guidance Program? (Written Examples of Assessments utilized, Brochures, Sample Classroom Guidance Activities, etc. if available to pass around to classmates when sharing highlights of your interview in class)

5. Position Paper (100 points)

Position Paper=100 points, Textbook Test=50 points, Quiz on Michign Comprehensive Guidance Model=20 points, School Counselor Interview=50 points, Attendance/Participation=80 points; 300 Total Points
Percentile Grade Distribution
95-100% (285-300) A n/a
90-94% (270-284) A- n/a
85-89% (255-269) B+ n/a
80-84% (240-254) B n/a
75-79% (225-239) B- n/a
70-74% (210-224) C+ n/a

Attendance: 20 points (2 points for each 4 hour session-9 sessions+2 point bonus for full participation in all sessions)
Group Activities: 40 points
Presentation of Paper/School Board Questions: 20 points
Extra Credit Opportunity


CED 504 Activities Summary Required/Optional Points
3 Questions to be answered in CED 504 n/a n/a
40 Assets-Asset-Building Learning Style Activity n/a
ACT Interest Inventory (189 questions) for use in ACT School Summary Report n/a n/a
ACT World-of-Work (Holland) Learning Style Activity n/a
AP&CLEP opportunities n/a n/a
CA-60 Student Records n/a n/a
Classroom Guidance n/a n/a
K-12 Counselor Interview Required 50
Dual Enrollment/Virtual classes n/a n/a
Emotional Intelligence/Happiness n/a n/a
Employability Skills n/a n/a
EXPLORE-PLAN-ACT Learning Style Activity Participation
Group Guidance n/a n/a
Michigan Comprehensive Guidance Program n/a n/a
Multiple Intelligences Learning Style Activity Participation
New High School graduation requirements n/a n/a
Participation in CED 504 Activities n/a 80
Position Paper: Design and Implement CGP n/a 100
Power&Control Wheel n/a n/a
Protective Services: Children n/a n/a
Role of School Board Member n/a Participation
Study Skills/Work Habits n/a n/a
Teen Employment in Michigan n/a n/a
Textbook Test-50 and Michigan Comprehensive Guidance Model Quiz-20 Required 70
True Colors Learning Style Activity Previously done???
Work Values/Why people Work n/a n/a

Quiz on 4 Comprehensive Guidance Components scores ranged from 15 to 20 with a mean of 17.79 (88.95%); the mode was 18. Textbook test scores ranged from 44 to 50 with a mean of 48.25 (96.5%); the mode was 49. There were 17 A's, 6 A- and one B+ earned; six students chose to do the extra credit assignment and 17 students earned full participation points. Total points ranged from 253 to 300.

Professional Development Links:

2007 Michigan Career Education Conference-February 11-13

National Institute for Trauma & Loss

Trauma vs. Grief

Michigan Mental Health Networker

Michigan School Counseling Association

Michigan Counseling Association

Michigan College Admissions Counselors Association

National Association for College Admission Counseling

American Counseling Association

American School Counselor Association

National Career Development Association

National Board for Certified Counselors

National Mental Health Association

American Mental Health Counselors Association


School Guidance Counselor Resources, Bibliography & Helpful Links